Package 'cobalt'

Title: Covariate Balance Tables and Plots
Description: Generate balance tables and plots for covariates of groups preprocessed through matching, weighting or subclassification, for example, using propensity scores. Includes integration with 'MatchIt', 'WeightIt', 'MatchThem', 'twang', 'Matching', 'optmatch', 'CBPS', 'ebal', 'cem', 'sbw', and 'designmatch' for assessing balance on the output of their preprocessing functions. Users can also specify data for balance assessment not generated through the above packages. Also included are methods for assessing balance in clustered or multiply imputed data sets or data sets with multi-category, continuous, or longitudinal treatments.
Authors: Noah Greifer [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Noah Greifer <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>=2)
Built: 2025-01-31 04:42:20 UTC

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Efficiently compute scalar balance statistics


These are functions primarily designed for programmers who want to be able to quickly compute one of several scalar (single number) sample balance statistics, e.g., for use in selecting a tuning parameter when estimating balancing weights. bal.compute() computes a scalar balance statistics from the supplied inputs. bal.init() initializes the input so that when bal.compute() is used on the output along with a set of weights, the computation of the balance statistic is fast. vignette("optimizing-balance") provides an overview and more examples of how to use these functions. available.stats() returns the balance statistics available for the given treatment type.


bal.compute(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'bal.init'
bal.compute(x, weights = NULL, ...)

## Default S3 method:
bal.compute(x, treat, stat, s.weights = NULL, weights = NULL, ...)

bal.init(x, treat, stat, s.weights = NULL, ...)

available.stats(treat.type = "binary")



for bal.compute(), a bal.init object created by bal.init() or a matrix or data frame containing the covariates. For bal.init(), a matrix or data frame containing the covariates.


other arguments used to specify options for the balance statistic. See Details for which arguments are allowed with each balance statistic. Ignored for the bal.init method of bal.compute().


a vector of balancing weights to compute the weighted statistics.


a vector containing the treatment variable.


string; the name of the statistic to compute. See Details.


optional; a vector of sampling weights.


string; the treatment type, either "binary", "multinomial", or "continuous". Abbreviations allowed.


The following list contains the allowable balance statistics that can be supplied to bal.init() or the default method of bal.compute(), the additional arguments that can be used with each one, and the treatment types allowed with each one. For all balance statistics, lower values indicate better balance.

smd.mean, smd.max, smd.rms

The mean, maximum, or root-mean-squared absolute standardized mean difference, computed using col_w_smd(). The other allowable arguments include estimand ("ATE", "ATT", or "ATC") to select the estimand (default is "ATE"), focal to identify the focal treatment group when the ATT is the estimand and the treatment has more than two categories, and pairwise to select whether mean differences should be computed between each pair of treatment groups or between each treatment group and the target group identified by estimand (default TRUE). Can be used with binary and multi-category treatments.

ks.mean, ks.max, ks.rms

The mean, maximum, or root-mean-squared Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic, computed using col_w_ks(). The other allowable arguments include estimand ("ATE", "ATT", or "ATC") to select the estimand (default is "ATE"), focal to identify the focal treatment group when the ATT is the estimand and the treatment has more than two categories, and pairwise to select whether statistics should be computed between each pair of treatment groups or between each treatment group and the target group identified by estimand (default TRUE). Can be used with binary and multi-category treatments.

ovl.mean, ovl.max, ovl.rms

The mean, maximum, or root-mean-squared overlapping coefficient complement, computed using col_w_ovl(). The other allowable arguments include estimand ("ATE", "ATT", or "ATC") to select the estimand (default is "ATE"), integrate to select whether integration is done using using integrate() (TRUE) or a Riemann sum (FALSE, the default), focal to identify the focal treatment group when the ATT is the estimand and the treatment has more than two categories, pairwise to select whether statistics should be computed between each pair of treatment groups or between each treatment group and the target group identified by estimand (default TRUE). Can be used with binary and multi-category treatments.


The Mahalanobis distance between the treatment group means. This is similar to smd.rms but the covariates are standardized to remove correlations between them and de-emphasize redundant covariates. The other allowable arguments include estimand ("ATE", "ATT", or "ATC") to select the estimand (default is "ATE") and focal to identify the focal treatment group when the ATT is the estimand. Can only be used with binary treatments.


The total energy distance between each treatment group and the target sample, which is a scalar measure of the similarity between two multivariate distributions. The other allowable arguments include estimand ("ATE", "ATT", "ATC", or NULL) to select the estimand (default is NULL), focal to identify the focal treatment group when the ATT is the estimand and the treatment has more than two categories, and improved to select whether the "improved" energy distance should be used when estimand = "ATE", which emphasizes difference between treatment groups in addition to difference between each treatment group and the target sample (default TRUE). When estimand = NULL, only the energy distance between the treatment groups will be computed (i.e., as opposed to the energy distance between each treatment groups and the target sample). Can be used with binary and multi-category treatments.


The kernel distance between the treatment groups, which is a scalar measure of the similarity between two multivariate distributions. Can only be used with binary treatments.

The median L1 statistic computed across a random selection of possible coarsening of the data. The other allowable arguments include estimand ("ATE", "ATT", or "ATC") to select the estimand (default is "ATE"), focal to identify the focal treatment group when the ATT is the estimand and the treatment has more than two categories, l1.min.bin (default 2) and l1.max.bin default (12) to select the minimum and maximum number of bins with which to bin continuous variables and l1.n (default 101) to select the number of binnings used to select the binning at the median. covs should be supplied without splitting factors into dummies to ensure the binning works correctly; for simplicity, the .covs argument can be supplied, which will override covs but isn't used by other statistics. Can be used with binary and multi-category treatments.

r2, r2.2, r2.3

The post-weighting R2R^2 of a model for the treatment. The other allowable arguments include poly to add polynomial terms of the supplied order to the model and int (default FALSE) to add two-way interaction between covariates into the model. Using r2.2 is a shortcut to requesting squares, and using r2.3 is a shortcut to requesting cubes. Can be used with binary and continuous treatments. For binary treatments, the McKelvey and Zavoina R2R^2 from a logistic regression is used; for continuous treatments, the R2R^2 from a linear regression is used.

p.mean, p.max, p.rms

The mean, maximum, or root-mean-squared absolute Pearson correlation between the treatment and covariates, computed using col_w_corr(). Can only be used with continuous treatments.

s.mean, s.max, s.rms

The mean, maximum, or root-mean-squared absolute Spearman correlation between the treatment and covariates, computed using col_w_corr(). Can only be used with continuous treatments.


The distance covariance between the scaled covariates and treatment, which is a scalar measure of the independence of two possibly multivariate distributions. Can only be used with continuous treatments.

Although statistics can be computed directly using bal.compute() alone, the intended workflow is to use bal.init() to initialize a bal.init object, which can then be passed to bal.compute() many times with different sets of weights, thereby minimizing the processing that bal.init() does because it is only done once. In contrast, using bal.compute() on covariates directly (i.e., using the default method) calls bal.init() internally each time, which can slow down evaluation. When speed isn't of interest or to calculate a balance statistic outside the context of balance optimization, the default method of bal.compute() can be a quick shortcut to avoid having to create a bal.init object first.


For bal.compute(), a single numeric value. For bal.init(), a bal.init object containing the components created in the initialization and the function used to compute the balance statistic. For available.stats(), a character vector of available statistics.

See Also


See vignette("optimizing-balance") for references and definitions of some of the above quantities.


# Select the optimal number of subclasses for
# subclassification:
covs <- c("age", "educ", "race", "married",
          "nodegree", "re74", "re75")

# Estimate propensity score
p <- glm(reformulate(covs, "treat"),
         data = lalonde, 
         family = "binomial")$fitted.values

# Function to compute subclassification weights
subclass_ATE <- function(treat, p, nsub) {
    m <- MatchIt::matchit(treat ~ 1,
                          data = lalonde,
                          distance = p,
                          method = "subclass",
                          estimand = "ATE",
                          subclass = nsub)

# Initialize balance statistic; largest KS statistic
init <- bal.init(lalonde[covs], treat = lalonde$treat, 
                 stat = "ks.max",
                 estimand = "ATE")

# Statistic prior to subclassification:

# Testing 4 to 50 subclasses
nsubs <- 4:50
stats <- vapply(nsubs, function(n) {
    w <- subclass_ATE(lalonde$treat, p, n)
    bal.compute(init, w)
}, numeric(1L))

plot(stats ~ nsubs)

# 6 subclass gives lowest ks.max value (.238)

# See which statistics are available

Visualize Distributional Balance


Generates density plots, bar graphs, or scatterplots displaying distributional balance between treatment and covariates using ggplot2.


  which.sub = NULL,
  cluster = NULL,
  which.cluster = NULL,
  imp = NULL,
  which.imp = NULL,
  which.treat = NULL,
  which.time = NULL,
  mirror = FALSE,
  type = "density",
  colors = NULL,
  grid = FALSE,
  position = "right",
  facet.formula = NULL,
  disp.means = getOption("cobalt_disp.means", FALSE),
  alpha.weight = TRUE



the object for which balance is to be assessed; can be any object for which there is support in

character; the name of the variable whose values are to be plotted. To view distributions of the distance measure (e.g., propensity score), if any, use "distance" as the argument unless the distance variable has been named. If there are duplicate variable names across inputs, bal.plot() will first look in the covariate data.frame from x, followed by addl, and then distance, if any. If not specified, will use the first covariate available with a warning.


other arguments to define the variable, treatment, and weights. Some inputs are required depending on the method. See Additional Arguments. Can also be used to supply the bw, adjust, kernel, and n arguments for ggplot2::geom_density() and the bins argument for ggplot2::geom_histogram().


whether to display distributional balance for the adjusted ("adjusted") or unadjusted sample ("unadjusted") or both at the same time ("both"). When multiple weights are present, the names of the weights can be supplied, too. The default is to display balance for the adjusted sample only unless no weights, subclasses, or matching strata are specified. Multiple values and abbreviations allowed.


numeric; if subclassification is used, a vector corresponding to the subclass(es) for which the distributions are to be displayed. If .all (the default), distributions from all subclasses are displayed in a grid.


optional; a vector of cluster membership, or the name of a variable in an available data set passed to bal.plot() that contains cluster membership.


if clusters are used, which cluster(s) to display. Can be cluster names or numerical indices for which to display balance. Indices correspond to the alphabetical order of cluster names. If .all (the default), all clusters are displayed. If .none, cluster information is ignored and the marginal distribution of the covariates is displayed.


optional; a vector of imputation indices, or the name of a variable in an available data set passed to bal.plot() that contains imputation indices.


if imputations are used, which imputations(s) to display. Must be numerical indices for which to display balance. If .all (the default), all imputations are displayed. If .none, data from all imputations are combined into one distribution.


which treatment groups to display. If NULL (the default) or NA, all treatment groups are displayed.


for longitudinal treatments, which time points to display. Can be treatment names or time period indices. If NULL (the default) or NA, all time points are displayed.


logical; if the treatment is binary, the covariate is continuous, and densities or histograms are requested, whether to display mirrored densities/histograms or overlapping densities/histograms. Ignored otherwise.


character; for binary and multi-category treatments with a continuous covariate, whether to display densities ("density"), histograms ("histogram"), or empirical cumulative density function plots ("ecdf"). The default is to display densities. Abbreviations are allowed.


a vector of colors for the plotted densities/histograms. See 'Color Specification' at graphics::par(). Defaults to the default ggplot2 colors.


logical; whether gridlines should be shown on the plot. Default is TRUE.


character; new names to be given to the samples (i.e., in place of "Unadjusted Sample" and "Adjusted Sample"). For example, when matching it used, it may be useful to enter c("Unmatched", "Matched").


the position of the legend. This can be any value that would be appropriate as an argument to legend.position in ggplot2::theme().


a formula designating which facets should be on the rows and columns. This should be of the "historical" formula interface to ggplot2::facet_grid(). If of the form a ~ b, a will be faceted on the rows and b on the columns. To only facet on the rows, provide a one-sided formula with an empty left-hand side. To only facet on the columns, the formula should be of the form a ~ . (i.e., with only . on the right-hand side). The allowable facets depend on which arguments have been supplied to bal.plot(); possible values include which, cluster, imp, and (for longitudinal treatments) time. If NULL, bal.plot() will decide what looks best; this argument exists in case you disagree with its choice.


logical; for a categorical treatment with a continuous covariate, whether a line should be drawn for each treatment level denoting the (weighted) mean of the covariate. Ignored if type is not "density" or "histogram". Default is FALSE.


logical; if both the treatment and the covariate are continuous, whether points should be shaded according to their weight. Fainter points are those that have smaller weights. Default is TRUE.


bal.plot() uses ggplot2::ggplot() from the ggplot2 package, and (invisibly) returns a "ggplot" object. For categorical treatments with continuous covariates or continuous treatments with categorical covariates, density plots are created using ggplot2::geom_density(), histograms are created using ggplot2::geom_histogram(), and empirical CDF plots are created using ggplot2::geom_step(); for categorical treatments with categorical covariates, bar graphs are created using ggplot2::geom_bar(); for continuous treatments with continuous covariates, scatterplots are created using ggplot2::geom_point().

For continuous treatments with continuous covariates, four additional lines are presented for aid in balance assessment. The red line is the linear fit line. The blue line is a smoothing curve generated with ggplot2's ggplot2::geom_smooth() with method = "auto". The horizontal black line is a horizontal reference line intercepting the (unweighted) treatment mean. The vertical black line is a reference line intercepting the (unweighted) treatment mean. Balance is indicated by the flatness of both fit lines and whether they pass through the intersection of the two black reference lines.

When multiple plots are to be displayed (i.e., when requesting subclass balance, cluster balance, or imputation balance, or when multiple sets of weights are provided or which = "both", or when treatment is longitudinal), the plots will be displayed in a grid using ggplot2's ggplot2::facet_grid(). Subclassification cannot be used with clusters or multiply imputed data.

To change the plot and axis titles, use ggplot2::labs(). Because the output is a ggplot object, other elements can be changed using ggplot2 functions; see here for an example.


A "ggplot" object, returned invisibly.

Additional Arguments

bal.plot() works like in that it can take a variety of types of inputs and yield the same output for each. Depending on what kind of input is given, different additional parameters are required in .... For details on what is required and allowed for each additional input and their defaults, see the help file for the method associated with the input. The following are the required additional arguments based on each input type:

  • For matchit objects: None

  • For weightit objects: None

  • For ps, ps.cont, mnps, and iptw objects: (stop.method; see defaults).

  • For Match objects: formula and data or covs and treat.

  • For optmatch objects: formula and data or covs (treat is not required).

  • For CBPS objects: None

  • For ebalance objects: formula and data or covs and treat.

  • For formulas: data

  • For data.frames: treat

  • For designmatch objects: formula and data or covs and treat.

  • For sbw objects: None

  • For mimids and wimids objects: None, but an argument to which.imp should be specified.

  • For other objects processed through's default method, whichever arguments are required to identify treatment, variables, and a conditioning method (if any).

See Also, love.plot()


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

#Nearest Neighbor Matching
m.out <- MatchIt::matchit(treat ~ age + educ + race +  married +
                              nodegree + re74 + re75, 
                          data = lalonde)

bal.plot(m.out, "age", which = "both")
bal.plot(m.out, "re74", which = "both", type = "ecdf")
bal.plot(m.out, "race", which = "both")
bal.plot(m.out, "distance", which = "both", mirror = TRUE,
         type = "histogram", colors = c("white", "black"))

#Entropy balancing with a continuous treatment
w.out <- WeightIt::weightit(re75 ~ age + I(age^2) + educ + 
                                race + married + nodegree,
                            data = lalonde, method = "ebal")

bal.plot(w.out, "age", which = "both")
bal.plot(w.out, "married", which = "both")

Display Balance Statistics in a Table


Generates balance statistics on covariates in relation to an observed treatment variable. It is a generic function that dispatches to the method corresponding to the class of the first argument.

Usage, ...)

## # Arguments common across all input types:
##         stats,
##         int = FALSE,
##         poly = 1,
##         distance = NULL,
##         addl = NULL,
##         data = NULL,
##         continuous,
##         binary,
##         s.d.denom,
##         thresholds = NULL,
##         weights = NULL,
##         cluster = NULL,
##         imp = NULL,
##         pairwise = TRUE,
##         s.weights = NULL,
##         abs = FALSE,
##         subset = NULL,
##         quick = TRUE,
##         ...)



an input object on which to assess balance. Can be the output of a call to a balancing function in another package or a formula or data frame. Input to this argument will determine which method is used. Each input type has its own documentation page, which is linked in the See Also section below. Some input types require or allow additional arguments to be specified. For inputs with no dedicated method, the default method will be dispatched. See Details below.


for some input types, other arguments that are required or allowed. Otherwise, further arguments to control display of output. See display options for details.


character; which statistic(s) should be reported. See stats for allowable options. For binary and multi-category treatments, "mean.diffs" (i.e., mean differences) is the default. For continuous treatments, "correlations" (i.e., treatment-covariate Pearson correlations) is the default. Multiple options are allowed.


logical or numeric; whether or not to include 2-way interactions of covariates included in covs and in addl. If numeric, will be passed to poly as well.


numeric; the highest polynomial of each continuous covariate to display. For example, if 2, squares of each continuous covariate will be displayed (in addition to the covariate itself); if 3, squares and cubes of each continuous covariate will be displayed, etc. If 1, the default, only the base covariate will be displayed. If int is numeric, poly will take on the value of int.


an optional formula or data frame containing distance values (e.g., propensity scores) or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the argument to data, if specified. For longitudinal treatments, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point.


an optional formula or data frame containing additional covariates for which to present balance or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the arguments to the input object, covs, and data, if specified. For longitudinal treatments, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point.


an optional data frame containing variables named in other arguments. For some input object types, this is required.


whether mean differences for continuous variables should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "std". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


whether mean differences for binary variables (i.e., difference in proportion) should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "raw". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


character; how the denominator for standardized mean differences should be calculated, if requested. See col_w_smd() for allowable options. If weights are supplied, each set of weights should have a corresponding entry to s.d.denom. Abbreviations allowed. If left blank and weights, subclasses, or matching strata are supplied, will figure out which one is best based on the estimand, if given (for ATT, "treated"; for ATC, "control"; otherwise "pooled") and other clues if not.


a named vector of balance thresholds, where the name corresponds to the statistic (i.e., in stats) that the threshold applies to. For example, to request thresholds on mean differences and variance ratios, one can set thresholds = c(m = .05, v = 2). Requesting a threshold automatically requests the display of that statistic. When specified, extra columns are inserted into the Balance table describing whether the requested balance statistics exceeded the threshold or not. Summary tables tallying the number of variables that exceeded and were within the threshold and displaying the variables with the greatest imbalance on that balance measure are added to the output.


a vector, list, or data.frame containing weights for each unit, or a string containing the names of the weights variables in data, or an object with a get.w() method or a list thereof. The weights can be, e.g., inverse probability weights or matching weights resulting from a matching algorithm.


either a vector containing cluster membership for each unit or a string containing the name of the cluster membership variable in data or the input object. See for details.


either a vector containing imputation indices for each unit or a string containing the name of the imputation index variable in data or the input object. See for details. Not necessary if data is a mids object.


whether balance should be computed for pairs of treatments or for each treatment against all groups combined. See for details. This can also be used with a binary treatment to assess balance with respect to the full sample.


Optional; either a vector containing sampling weights for each unit or a string containing the name of the sampling weight variable in data. These function like regular weights except that both the adjusted and unadjusted samples will be weighted according to these weights if weights are used.


logical; whether displayed balance statistics should be in absolute value or not.


a logical or numeric vector denoting whether each observation should be included or which observations should be included. If logical, it should have length equal to the number of units. NAs will be treated as FALSE. This can be used as an alternative to cluster to examine balance on subsets of the data.


logical; if TRUE, will not compute any values that will not be displayed. Set to FALSE if computed values not displayed will be used later.

Details performs various calculations on the the data objects given. This page details the arguments and calculations that are used across methods.

With Binary Point Treatments

Balance statistics can be requested with the stats argument. The default balance statistic for mean differences for continuous variables is the standardized mean difference, which is the difference in the means divided by a measure of spread (i.e., a d-type effect size measure). This is the default because it puts the mean differences on the same scale for comparison with each other and with a given threshold. For binary variables, the default balance statistic is the raw difference in proportion. Although standardized differences in proportion can be computed, raw differences in proportion for binary variables are already on the same scale, and computing the standardized difference in proportion can obscure the true difference in proportion by dividing the difference in proportion by a number that is itself a function of the observed proportions.

Standardized mean differences are calculated using col_w_smd() as follows: the numerator is the mean of the treated group minus the mean of the control group, and the denominator is a measure of spread calculated in accordance with the argument to s.d.denom or the default of the specific method used. Common approaches in the literature include using the standard deviation of the treated group or using the "pooled" standard deviation (i.e., the square root of the mean of the group variances) in calculating standardized mean differences. The computed spread uses is always that of the full, unadjusted sample (i.e., before matching, weighting, or subclassification), as recommended by Stuart (2010).

Prior to computation, all variables are checked for variable type, which allows users to differentiate balance statistic calculations based on type using the arguments to continuous and binary. First, if a given covariate is numeric and has only 2 levels, it is converted into a binary (0,1) variable. If 0 is a value in the original variable, it retains its value and the other value is converted to 1; otherwise, the lower value is converted to 0 and the other to 1. Next, if the covariate is not numeric or logical (i.e., is a character or factor variable), it will be split into new binary variables, named with the original variable and the value, separated by an underscore. Otherwise, the covariate will be used as is and treated as a continuous variable.

When weighting or matching are used, an "effective sample size" is calculated for each group using the following formula: (w)2/w2(\sum w)^2 / \sum w^2. The effective sample size is "approximately the number of observations from a simple random sample that yields an estimate with sampling variation equal to the sampling variation obtained with the weighted comparison observations" (Ridgeway et al., 2016). The calculated number tends to underestimate the true effective sample size of the weighted samples. The number depends on the variability of the weights, so sometimes trimming units with large weights can actually increase the effective sample size, even though units are being down-weighted. When matching is used, an additional "unweighted" sample size will be displayed indicating the total number of units contributing to the weighted sample.

When subclassification is used, the balance tables for each subclass stored in ⁠$Subclass.Balance⁠ use values calculated as described above. For the aggregate balance table stored in ⁠$Balance.Across.Subclass⁠, the values of each statistic are computed as a weighted average of the statistic across subclasses, weighted by the proportion of units in each subclass. See for more details.

With Continuous Point Treatments

When continuous treatment variables are considered, the balance statistic calculated is the Pearson correlation between the covariate and treatment. The correlation after adjustment is computed using col_w_cov() as the weighted covariance between the covariate and treatment divided by the product of the standard deviations of the unweighted covariate and treatment, in an analogous way to how how the weighted standardized mean difference uses an unweighted measure of spread in its denominator, with the purpose of avoiding the analogous paradox (i.e., where the covariance decreases but is accompanied by a change in the standard deviations, thereby distorting the actual resulting balance computed using the weighted standard deviations). This can sometimes yield correlations greater than 1 in absolute value; these usually indicate degenerate cases anyway.

With Multi-Category Point Treatments

For information on using with multi-category treatments, see Essentially, compares pairs of treatment groups in a standard way.

With Longitudinal Treatments

For information on using with longitudinal treatments, see and vignette("longitudinal-treat"). Essentially, summarizes balance at each time point and summarizes across time points.

With Clustered or Multiply Imputed Data

For information on using with clustered data, see For information on using with multiply imputed data, see


Calculations can take some time, especially when there are many variables, interactions, or clusters. When certain values are not printed, by default they are not computed. In particular, summary tables are not computed when their display has not been requested. This can speed up the overall production of the output when these values are not to be used later. However, when they are to be used later, such as when output is to be further examined with print() or is to be used in some other way after the original call to, it may be useful to compute them even if they are not to be printed initially. To do so, users can set quick = FALSE, which will cause to calculate all values and components it can. Note that love.plot() is fully functional even when quick = TRUE and values are requested that are otherwise not computed in with quick = TRUE.

Missing Data

If there is missing data in the covariates (i.e., NAs in the covariates provided to, a few additional things happen. A warning will appear mentioning that missing values were present in the data set. The computed balance summaries will be for the variables ignoring the missing values. New variables will be created representing missingness indicators for each variable, named ⁠var: <NA>⁠ (with var replaced by the actual name of the variable). If int = TRUE, balance for the pairwise interactions between the missingness indicators will also be computed. These variables are treated like regular variables once created.


An object of class "". The use of continuous treatments, subclasses, clusters, and/or imputations will also cause the object to inherit other classes. The class "" has its own print() method (, which formats the output nicely and in accordance with print-related options given in the call to, and which can be called with its own options.

For scenarios with binary point treatments and no subclasses, imputations, or clusters, the following are the elements of the object:


A data frame containing balance information for each covariate. Balance contains the following columns, with additional columns present when other balance statistics are requested, and some columns omitted when not requested:

  • Type: Whether the covariate is binary, continuous, or a measure of distance (e.g., the propensity score).

  • M.0.Un: The mean of the control group prior to adjusting.

  • SD.0.Un: The standard deviation of the control group prior to adjusting.

  • M.1.Un: The mean of the treated group prior to adjusting.

  • SD.1.Un: The standard deviation of the treated group prior to adjusting.

  • Diff.Un: The (standardized) difference in means between the two groups prior to adjusting. See the binary and continuous arguments on the method pages to determine whether standardized or raw mean differences are being reported. By default, the standardized mean difference is displayed for continuous variables and the raw mean difference (difference in proportion) is displayed for binary variables.

  • M.0.Adj: The mean of the control group after adjusting.

  • SD.0.Adj: The standard deviation of the control group after adjusting.

  • M.1.Adj: The mean of the treated group after adjusting.

  • SD.1.Adj: The standard deviation of the treated group after adjusting.

  • Diff.Adj: The (standardized) difference in means between the two groups after adjusting. See the binary and continuous arguments on the method pages to determine whether standardized or raw mean differences are being reported. By default, the standardized mean difference is displayed for continuous variables and the raw mean difference (difference in proportion) is displayed for binary variables.

  • M.Threshold: Whether or not the calculated mean difference after adjusting exceeds or is within the threshold given by thresholds. If a threshold for mean differences is not specified, this column will be NA.


If a threshold on mean differences is specified, a table tallying the number of variables that exceed or are within the threshold.


If a threshold on mean differences is specified, a table displaying the variable with the greatest absolute mean difference.


A table displaying the sample sizes before and after adjusting. Often the effective sample size (ESS) will be displayed. See Details.


The original function call, if adjustment was performed by a function in another package.

If the treatment is continuous, instead of producing mean differences, will produce correlations between the covariates and the treatment. The default corresponding entries in the output will be "Corr.Un", "⁠Corr.Adj"⁠, and "R.Threshold" (and accordingly for the balance tally and maximum imbalance tables).

If multiple weights are supplied, "Adj" in Balance will be replaced by the provided names of the sets of weights, and extra columns will be added for each set of weights. Additional columns and rows for other items in the output will be created as well.

For output with subclassification, see


Ridgeway, G., McCaffrey, D., Morral, A., Burgette, L., & Griffin, B. A. (2016). Toolkit for Weighting and Analysis of Nonequivalent Groups: A tutorial for the twang package. R vignette. RAND.

Stuart, E. A. (2010). Matching Methods for Causal Inference: A Review and a Look Forward. Statistical Science, 25(1), 1-21. doi:10.1214/09-STS313

See Also

For information on the use of with specific types of objects, use the following links:

See vignette("faq") for answers to frequently asked questions about


## See individual pages above for examples with
## different inputs, or see `vignette("cobalt")`

Balance Statistics for CBPS Objects


Generates balance statistics for CBPS and CBMSM objects from the CBPS package.


## S3 method for class 'CBPS'
  int = FALSE,
  poly = 1,
  distance = NULL,
  addl = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  thresholds = NULL,
  weights = NULL,
  cluster = NULL,
  imp = NULL,
  pairwise = TRUE,
  s.weights = NULL,
  abs = FALSE,
  subset = NULL,
  quick = TRUE,



a CBPS or CBMSM object; the output of a call to CBPS::CBPS() or CBPS::CBMSM().


character; which statistic(s) should be reported. See stats for allowable options. For binary and multi-category treatments, "mean.diffs" (i.e., mean differences) is the default. For continuous treatments, "correlations" (i.e., treatment-covariate Pearson correlations) is the default. Multiple options are allowed.


logical or numeric; whether or not to include 2-way interactions of covariates included in covs and in addl. If numeric, will be passed to poly as well.


numeric; the highest polynomial of each continuous covariate to display. For example, if 2, squares of each continuous covariate will be displayed (in addition to the covariate itself); if 3, squares and cubes of each continuous covariate will be displayed, etc. If 1, the default, only the base covariate will be displayed. If int is numeric, poly will take on the value of int.


an optional formula or data frame containing distance values (e.g., propensity scores) or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the argument to data, if specified. Propensity scores generated by CBPS() and CBMSM() are automatically included and named "prop.score". For CBMSM objects, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point, but each dataset in the list supplied to distance must have one row per individual, unlike the data frame in the original call to CBMSM().


an optional formula or data frame containing additional covariates for which to present balance or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the arguments to the input object, covs, and data, if specified. For CBMSM objects, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point, but each dataset in the list supplied to addl must have one row per individual, unlike the data frame in the original call to CBMSM().


an optional data frame containing variables named in other arguments. For some input object types, this is required.


whether mean differences for continuous variables should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "std". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


whether mean differences for binary variables (i.e., difference in proportion) should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "raw". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


character; how the denominator for standardized mean differences should be calculated, if requested. See col_w_smd() for allowable options. Abbreviations allowed. If not specified, will be set to "treated" if the estimand of the call to CBPS() is the ATT and "pooled" if the estimand is the ATE.


a named vector of balance thresholds, where the name corresponds to the statistic (i.e., in stats) that the threshold applies to. For example, to request thresholds on mean differences and variance ratios, one can set thresholds = c(m = .05, v = 2). Requesting a threshold automatically requests the display of that statistic. When specified, extra columns are inserted into the Balance table describing whether the requested balance statistics exceeded the threshold or not. Summary tables tallying the number of variables that exceeded and were within the threshold and displaying the variables with the greatest imbalance on that balance measure are added to the output.


a vector, list, or data.frame containing weights for each unit, or a string containing the names of the weights variables in data, or an object with a get.w() method or a list thereof. The weights can be, e.g., inverse probability weights or matching weights resulting from a matching algorithm.


either a vector containing cluster membership for each unit or a string containing the name of the cluster membership variable in data or the input object. See for details.


either a vector containing imputation indices for each unit or a string containing the name of the imputation index variable in data or the input object. See for details. Not necessary if data is a mids object.


whether balance should be computed for pairs of treatments or for each treatment against all groups combined. See for details. This can also be used with a binary treatment to assess balance with respect to the full sample.


Optional; either a vector containing sampling weights for each unit or a string containing the name of the sampling weight variable in data. These function like regular weights except that both the adjusted and unadjusted samples will be weighted according to these weights if weights are used. If sampling weights are used in CBPS(), it is critical that they are specified in as well using the s.weights argument.


logical; whether displayed balance statistics should be in absolute value or not.


a logical or numeric vector denoting whether each observation should be included or which observations should be included. If logical, it should have length equal to the number of units. NAs will be treated as FALSE. This can be used as an alternative to cluster to examine balance on subsets of the data.


logical; if TRUE, will not compute any values that will not be displayed. Set to FALSE if computed values not displayed will be used later.


for some input types, other arguments that are required or allowed. Otherwise, further arguments to control display of output. See display options for details.

Details and generate a list of balance summaries for the CBPS or CBMSM object given and functions similarly to CBPS::balance().


For point treatments, if clusters are not specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries for the CBPS object. See for details.

If clusters are specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries within each cluster and a summary of balance across clusters. See for details.

If CBPS() is used with multi-category treatments, an object of class "" containing balance summaries for each pairwise treatment comparison and a summary of balance across pairwise comparisons. See for details.

If CBMSM() is used for longitudinal treatments, an object of class "" containing balance summaries for each time period and a summary of balance across time periods. See for details.

See Also


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

## Using CBPS() for generating covariate balancing 
## propensity score weights
cbps.out <- CBPS::CBPS(treat ~ age + educ + married + race +
                           nodegree + re74 + re75,
                       data = lalonde)

Balance Statistics for cem Objects


Generates balance statistics for cem.match objects from cem.


## S3 method for class 'cem.match'
  int = FALSE,
  poly = 1,
  distance = NULL,
  addl = NULL,
  thresholds = NULL,
  weights = NULL,
  cluster = NULL,
  imp = NULL,
  pairwise = TRUE,
  s.weights = NULL,
  abs = FALSE,
  subset = NULL,
  quick = TRUE,



a cem.match or cem.match.list object; the output of a call to cem::cem().


a data frame containing variables named in other arguments. An argument to data is required. It must be the same data used in the call to cem() or a mids object from which the data supplied to datalist in the cem() call originated.


character; which statistic(s) should be reported. See stats for allowable options. For binary and multi-category treatments, "mean.diffs" (i.e., mean differences) is the default. For continuous treatments, "correlations" (i.e., treatment-covariate Pearson correlations) is the default. Multiple options are allowed.


logical or numeric; whether or not to include 2-way interactions of covariates included in covs and in addl. If numeric, will be passed to poly as well.


numeric; the highest polynomial of each continuous covariate to display. For example, if 2, squares of each continuous covariate will be displayed (in addition to the covariate itself); if 3, squares and cubes of each continuous covariate will be displayed, etc. If 1, the default, only the base covariate will be displayed. If int is numeric, poly will take on the value of int.


an optional formula or data frame containing distance values (e.g., propensity scores) or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the argument to data, if specified. For longitudinal treatments, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point.


an optional formula or data frame containing additional covariates for which to present balance or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the arguments to the input object, covs, and data, if specified. For longitudinal treatments, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point.


whether mean differences for continuous variables should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "std". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


whether mean differences for binary variables (i.e., difference in proportion) should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "raw". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


character; how the denominator for standardized mean differences should be calculated, if requested. See col_w_smd() for allowable options. Abbreviations allowed. If not specified, will be set to "treated", where the treated group corresponds to the in the call to cem().


a named vector of balance thresholds, where the name corresponds to the statistic (i.e., in stats) that the threshold applies to. For example, to request thresholds on mean differences and variance ratios, one can set thresholds = c(m = .05, v = 2). Requesting a threshold automatically requests the display of that statistic. When specified, extra columns are inserted into the Balance table describing whether the requested balance statistics exceeded the threshold or not. Summary tables tallying the number of variables that exceeded and were within the threshold and displaying the variables with the greatest imbalance on that balance measure are added to the output.


a vector, list, or data.frame containing weights for each unit, or a string containing the names of the weights variables in data, or an object with a get.w() method or a list thereof. The weights can be, e.g., inverse probability weights or matching weights resulting from a matching algorithm.


either a vector containing cluster membership for each unit or a string containing the name of the cluster membership variable in data or the input object. See for details.


either a vector containing imputation indices for each unit or a string containing the name of the imputation index variable in data or the input object. See for details. Not necessary if data is a mids object.


whether balance should be computed for pairs of treatments or for each treatment against all groups combined. See for details. This can also be used with a binary treatment to assess balance with respect to the full sample.


Optional; either a vector containing sampling weights for each unit or a string containing the name of the sampling weight variable in data. These function like regular weights except that both the adjusted and unadjusted samples will be weighted according to these weights if weights are used.


logical; whether displayed balance statistics should be in absolute value or not.


a logical or numeric vector denoting whether each observation should be included or which observations should be included. If logical, it should have length equal to the number of units. NAs will be treated as FALSE. This can be used as an alternative to cluster to examine balance on subsets of the data.


logical; if TRUE, will not compute any values that will not be displayed. Set to FALSE if computed values not displayed will be used later.


for some input types, other arguments that are required or allowed. Otherwise, further arguments to control display of output. See display options for details.

Details generates a list of balance summaries for the cem.match object given, and functions similarly to cem::imbalance().


If clusters and imputations are not specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries for the cem.match object. See for details.

If imputations are specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries for each imputation and a summary of balance across imputations. See for details.

If cem() is used with multi-category treatments, an object of class "" containing balance summaries for each pairwise treatment comparison. See for details.

If clusters are specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries within each cluster and a summary of balance across clusters. See for details.

See Also for details of calculations.


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

## Coarsened exact matching
cem.out <- cem::cem("treat", data = lalonde, drop = "re78"), data = lalonde, un = TRUE, 
        stats = c("m", "k"))

Balance Statistics for Other Objects


Generates balance statistics using an object for which there is not a defined method.


## Default S3 method:
  int = FALSE,
  poly = 1,
  distance = NULL,
  addl = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  thresholds = NULL,
  weights = NULL,
  cluster = NULL,
  imp = NULL,
  pairwise = TRUE,
  s.weights = NULL,
  abs = FALSE,
  subset = NULL,
  quick = TRUE,



An object containing information about conditioning. See Details.


character; which statistic(s) should be reported. See stats for allowable options. For binary and multi-category treatments, "mean.diffs" (i.e., mean differences) is the default. For continuous treatments, "correlations" (i.e., treatment-covariate Pearson correlations) is the default. Multiple options are allowed.


logical or numeric; whether or not to include 2-way interactions of covariates included in covs and in addl. If numeric, will be passed to poly as well.


numeric; the highest polynomial of each continuous covariate to display. For example, if 2, squares of each continuous covariate will be displayed (in addition to the covariate itself); if 3, squares and cubes of each continuous covariate will be displayed, etc. If 1, the default, only the base covariate will be displayed. If int is numeric, poly will take on the value of int.


an optional formula or data frame containing distance values (e.g., propensity scores) or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the argument to data, if specified. For longitudinal treatments, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point.


an optional formula or data frame containing additional covariates for which to present balance or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the arguments to the input object, covs, and data, if specified. For longitudinal treatments, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point.


an optional data frame containing variables named in other arguments. For some input object types, this is required.


whether mean differences for continuous variables should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "std". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


whether mean differences for binary variables (i.e., difference in proportion) should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "raw". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


character; how the denominator for standardized mean differences should be calculated, if requested. See col_w_smd() for allowable options. If weights are supplied, each set of weights should have a corresponding entry to s.d.denom. Abbreviations allowed. If left blank and weights, subclasses, or matching strata are supplied, will figure out which one is best based on the estimand, if given (for ATT, "treated"; for ATC, "control"; otherwise "pooled") and other clues if not.


a named vector of balance thresholds, where the name corresponds to the statistic (i.e., in stats) that the threshold applies to. For example, to request thresholds on mean differences and variance ratios, one can set thresholds = c(m = .05, v = 2). Requesting a threshold automatically requests the display of that statistic. When specified, extra columns are inserted into the Balance table describing whether the requested balance statistics exceeded the threshold or not. Summary tables tallying the number of variables that exceeded and were within the threshold and displaying the variables with the greatest imbalance on that balance measure are added to the output.


a vector, list, or data.frame containing weights for each unit, or a string containing the names of the weights variables in data, or an object with a get.w() method or a list thereof. The weights can be, e.g., inverse probability weights or matching weights resulting from a matching algorithm.


either a vector containing cluster membership for each unit or a string containing the name of the cluster membership variable in data or the input object. See for details.


either a vector containing imputation indices for each unit or a string containing the name of the imputation index variable in data or the input object. See for details. Not necessary if data is a mids object.


whether balance should be computed for pairs of treatments or for each treatment against all groups combined. See for details. This can also be used with a binary treatment to assess balance with respect to the full sample.


Optional; either a vector containing sampling weights for each unit or a string containing the name of the sampling weight variable in data. These function like regular weights except that both the adjusted and unadjusted samples will be weighted according to these weights if weights are used.


logical; whether displayed balance statistics should be in absolute value or not.


a logical or numeric vector denoting whether each observation should be included or which observations should be included. If logical, it should have length equal to the number of units. NAs will be treated as FALSE. This can be used as an alternative to cluster to examine balance on subsets of the data.


logical; if TRUE, will not compute any values that will not be displayed. Set to FALSE if computed values not displayed will be used later.


other arguments that would be passed to,, or See Details.

Details processes its input and attempt to extract enough information from it to display covariate balance for x. The purpose of this method is to allow users who have created their own objects containing conditioning information (i.e., weights, subclasses, treatments, covariates, etc.) to access the capabilities of without having a special method written for them. By including the correct items in x, can present balance tables as if the input was the output of one of the specifically supported packages (e.g., MatchIt, twang, etc.).

The function will search x for the following named items and attempt to process them:


A vector (numeric, character, factor) containing the values of the treatment for each unit or the name of the column in data containing them. Essentially the same input to treat in


A list of vectors (numeric, character, factor) containing, for each time point, the values of the treatment for each unit or the name of the column in data containing them. Essentially the same input to treat.list in


A data.frame containing the values of the covariates for each unit. Essentially the same input to covs in


A list of data.frames containing, for each time point, the values of the covariates for each unit. Essentially the same input to covs.list in


A formula with the treatment variable as the response and the covariates for which balance is to be assessed as the terms. Essentially the same input to formula in


A list of formulas with, for each time point, the treatment variable as the response and the covariates for which balance is to be assessed as the terms. Essentially the same input to formula.list in


A data.frame containing variables with the names used in other arguments and components (e.g., formula, weights, etc.). Essentially the same input to data in,, or


A vector, list, or data.frame containing weights for each unit or a string containing the names of the weights variables in data. Essentially the same input to weights in or


A vector, formula, or data frame containing distance values (e.g., propensity scores) or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the argument to data, if specified. Essentially the same input to distance in


A list of vectors or data.frames containing, for each time point, distance values (e.g., propensity scores) for each unit or a string containing the name of the distance variable in data. Essentially the same input to distance.list in


A vector containing subclass membership for each unit or a string containing the name of the subclass variable in data. Essentially the same input to subclass in


A vector containing matching stratum membership for each unit or a string containing the name of the matching stratum variable in data. Essentially the same input to match.strata in


A character vector; whether the desired estimand is the "ATT", "ATC", or "ATE" for each set of weights. Essentially the same input to estimand in


A vector containing sampling weights for each unit or a string containing the name of the sampling weight variable in data. Essentially the same input to s.weights in or


The name of the focal treatment when multi-category treatments are used. Essentially the same input to focal in


A call object containing the function call, usually generated by using inside the function that created x.

Any of these items can also be supplied directly to, e.g.,, formula = treat ~ x1 + x2). If supplied, it will override the object with the same role in x. In addition, any arguments to,, and are allowed and perform the same function.

At least some inputs containing information to create the treatment and covariates are required (e.g., formula and data or covs and treat). All other arguments are optional and have the same defaults as those in or If treat.list, covs.list, or formula.list are supplied in x or as an argument to, the function will proceed considering a longitudinal treatment. Otherwise, it will proceed considering a point treatment., like other methods, is just a shortcut to supply arguments to or Therefore, any matters regarding argument priority or function are described in the documentation for these methods.


For point treatments, if clusters and imputations are not specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries for the specified treatment and covariates. See for details.

If clusters are specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries within each cluster and a summary of balance across clusters. See for details.

If imputations are specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries for each imputation and a summary of balance across imputations, just as with clusters. See for details.

If multi-category treatments are used, an object of class "" containing balance summaries for each pairwise treatment comparison and a summary of balance across pairwise comparisons. See for details.

If longitudinal treatments are used, an object of class "" containing balance summaries at each time point. Each balance summary is its own object. See for more details.

See Also


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")
covs <- subset(lalonde,  select = -c(treat, re78))

##Writing a function the produces output for direct
##use in

ate.weights <- function(treat, covs) {
    data <- data.frame(treat, covs)
    formula <- formula(data)
    ps <- glm(formula, data = data, 
              family = "binomial")$fitted.values
    weights <- treat/ps + (1-treat)/(1-ps)
    call <-
    out <- list(treat = treat,
                covs = covs,
                distance = ps,
                weights = weights,
                estimand = "ATE",
                call = call)

out <- ate.weights(lalonde$treat, covs), un = TRUE)

Balance Statistics for designmatch Objects


Generates balance statistics for output objects from designmatch.


## S3 method for class 'designmatch'
  formula = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  treat = NULL,
  covs = NULL,
  int = FALSE,
  poly = 1,
  distance = NULL,
  addl = NULL,
  thresholds = NULL,
  weights = NULL,
  cluster = NULL,
  imp = NULL,
  pairwise = TRUE,
  s.weights = NULL,
  abs = FALSE,
  subset = NULL,
  quick = TRUE,



the output of a call to designmatch::bmatch() or related wrapper functions from the designmatch package.


a formula with the treatment variable as the response and the covariates for which balance is to be assessed as the predictors. All named variables must be in data. See Details.


a data frame containing variables named in formula, if supplied, and other arguments.


a vector of treatment statuses. See Details.


a data frame of covariate values for which to check balance. See Details.


character; which statistic(s) should be reported. See stats for allowable options. For binary and multi-category treatments, "mean.diffs" (i.e., mean differences) is the default. For continuous treatments, "correlations" (i.e., treatment-covariate Pearson correlations) is the default. Multiple options are allowed.


logical or numeric; whether or not to include 2-way interactions of covariates included in covs and in addl. If numeric, will be passed to poly as well.


numeric; the highest polynomial of each continuous covariate to display. For example, if 2, squares of each continuous covariate will be displayed (in addition to the covariate itself); if 3, squares and cubes of each continuous covariate will be displayed, etc. If 1, the default, only the base covariate will be displayed. If int is numeric, poly will take on the value of int.


an optional formula or data frame containing distance values (e.g., propensity scores) or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the argument to data, if specified. For longitudinal treatments, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point.


an optional formula or data frame containing additional covariates for which to present balance or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the arguments to the input object, covs, and data, if specified. For longitudinal treatments, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point.


whether mean differences for continuous variables should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "std". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


whether mean differences for binary variables (i.e., difference in proportion) should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "raw". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


character; how the denominator for standardized mean differences should be calculated, if requested. See col_w_smd() for allowable options. Abbreviations allowed. If not specified, will be set to "treated".


a named vector of balance thresholds, where the name corresponds to the statistic (i.e., in stats) that the threshold applies to. For example, to request thresholds on mean differences and variance ratios, one can set thresholds = c(m = .05, v = 2). Requesting a threshold automatically requests the display of that statistic. When specified, extra columns are inserted into the Balance table describing whether the requested balance statistics exceeded the threshold or not. Summary tables tallying the number of variables that exceeded and were within the threshold and displaying the variables with the greatest imbalance on that balance measure are added to the output.


a vector, list, or data.frame containing weights for each unit, or a string containing the names of the weights variables in data, or an object with a get.w() method or a list thereof. The weights can be, e.g., inverse probability weights or matching weights resulting from a matching algorithm.


either a vector containing cluster membership for each unit or a string containing the name of the cluster membership variable in data or the input object. See for details.


either a vector containing imputation indices for each unit or a string containing the name of the imputation index variable in data or the input object. See for details. Not necessary if data is a mids object.


whether balance should be computed for pairs of treatments or for each treatment against all groups combined. See for details. This can also be used with a binary treatment to assess balance with respect to the full sample.


Optional; either a vector containing sampling weights for each unit or a string containing the name of the sampling weight variable in data. These function like regular weights except that both the adjusted and unadjusted samples will be weighted according to these weights if weights are used.


logical; whether displayed balance statistics should be in absolute value or not.


a logical or numeric vector denoting whether each observation should be included or which observations should be included. If logical, it should have length equal to the number of units. NAs will be treated as FALSE. This can be used as an alternative to cluster to examine balance on subsets of the data.


logical; if TRUE, will not compute any values that will not be displayed. Set to FALSE if computed values not displayed will be used later.


for some input types, other arguments that are required or allowed. Otherwise, further arguments to control display of output. See display options for details.

Details generates a list of balance summaries for the object given, and functions similarly to designmatch::meantab(). Note that output objects from designmatch do not have their own class; first checks whether the object meets the criteria to be treated as a designmatch object before dispatching the correct method. Renaming or removing items from the output object can create unintended consequences.

The input to must include either both formula and data or both covs and treat. Using the covs + treat input mirrors how designmatch::meantab() is used (note that to see identical results to meantab(), s.d.denom must be set to "pooled").


If clusters and imputations are not specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries for the given object. See for details.

If clusters are specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries within each cluster and a summary of balance across clusters. See for details.

See Also for details of calculations.


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

covariates <- as.matrix(lalonde[c("age", "educ", "re74", "re75")])
treat <- lalonde$treat
dmout <- bmatch(treat,
                total_groups = sum(treat == 1),
                mom = list(covs = covariates,
                           tols = absstddif(covariates, 
                                            treat, .05))

## Using treat and covs, treat = treat, covs = covariates)

Balance Statistics for ebalance Objects


Generates balance statistics for output objects from ebal.


## S3 method for class 'ebalance'
  formula = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  treat = NULL,
  covs = NULL,
  int = FALSE,
  poly = 1,
  distance = NULL,
  addl = NULL,
  thresholds = NULL,
  weights = NULL,
  cluster = NULL,
  imp = NULL,
  pairwise = TRUE,
  s.weights = NULL,
  abs = FALSE,
  subset = NULL,
  quick = TRUE,



an ebalance object (the output of a call to ebal::ebalance() or ebal::ebalance.trim()).


a formula with the treatment variable as the response and the covariates for which balance is to be assessed as the predictors. All named variables must be in data. See Details.


a data frame containing variables named in formula, if supplied, and other arguments.


a vector of treatment statuses. See Details.


a data frame of covariate values for which to check balance. See Details.


character; which statistic(s) should be reported. See stats for allowable options. For binary and multi-category treatments, "mean.diffs" (i.e., mean differences) is the default. For continuous treatments, "correlations" (i.e., treatment-covariate Pearson correlations) is the default. Multiple options are allowed.


logical or numeric; whether or not to include 2-way interactions of covariates included in covs and in addl. If numeric, will be passed to poly as well.


numeric; the highest polynomial of each continuous covariate to display. For example, if 2, squares of each continuous covariate will be displayed (in addition to the covariate itself); if 3, squares and cubes of each continuous covariate will be displayed, etc. If 1, the default, only the base covariate will be displayed. If int is numeric, poly will take on the value of int.


an optional formula or data frame containing distance values (e.g., propensity scores) or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the argument to data, if specified. For longitudinal treatments, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point.


an optional formula or data frame containing additional covariates for which to present balance or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the arguments to the input object, covs, and data, if specified. For longitudinal treatments, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point.


whether mean differences for continuous variables should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "std". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


whether mean differences for binary variables (i.e., difference in proportion) should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "raw". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


character; how the denominator for standardized mean differences should be calculated, if requested. See col_w_smd() for allowable options. Abbreviations allowed. If not specified, will be set to "treated".


a named vector of balance thresholds, where the name corresponds to the statistic (i.e., in stats) that the threshold applies to. For example, to request thresholds on mean differences and variance ratios, one can set thresholds = c(m = .05, v = 2). Requesting a threshold automatically requests the display of that statistic. When specified, extra columns are inserted into the Balance table describing whether the requested balance statistics exceeded the threshold or not. Summary tables tallying the number of variables that exceeded and were within the threshold and displaying the variables with the greatest imbalance on that balance measure are added to the output.


a vector, list, or data.frame containing weights for each unit, or a string containing the names of the weights variables in data, or an object with a get.w() method or a list thereof. The weights can be, e.g., inverse probability weights or matching weights resulting from a matching algorithm.


either a vector containing cluster membership for each unit or a string containing the name of the cluster membership variable in data or the input object. See for details.


either a vector containing imputation indices for each unit or a string containing the name of the imputation index variable in data or the input object. See for details. Not necessary if data is a mids object.


whether balance should be computed for pairs of treatments or for each treatment against all groups combined. See for details. This can also be used with a binary treatment to assess balance with respect to the full sample.


Optional; either a vector containing sampling weights for each unit or a string containing the name of the sampling weight variable in data. These function like regular weights except that both the adjusted and unadjusted samples will be weighted according to these weights if weights are used.


logical; whether displayed balance statistics should be in absolute value or not.


a logical or numeric vector denoting whether each observation should be included or which observations should be included. If logical, it should have length equal to the number of units. NAs will be treated as FALSE. This can be used as an alternative to cluster to examine balance on subsets of the data.


logical; if TRUE, will not compute any values that will not be displayed. Set to FALSE if computed values not displayed will be used later.


for some input types, other arguments that are required or allowed. Otherwise, further arguments to control display of output. See display options for details.

Details generates a list of balance summaries for the object given. The input to must include either both formula and data or both covs and treat.


If clusters and imputations are not specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries for the given object. See for details.

If clusters are specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries within each cluster and a summary of balance across clusters. See for details.

See Also for details of calculations.


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

covs <- subset(lalonde, select = -c(re78, treat))
covs0 <- splitfactor(covs)

e.out <- ebal::ebalance(lalonde$treat, covs0)

## Using formula and data, formula = treat ~ age + educ + race +
            married + nodegree + re74 + re75,
        data = lalonde)

## Using treat and covs, treat = lalonde$treat, covs = covs)

Balance Statistics for Data Sets


Generates balance statistics for unadjusted, matched, weighted, or stratified data using either a data.frame or formula interface.


## S3 method for class 'formula'
  data = NULL,
  int = FALSE,
  poly = 1,
  distance = NULL,
  addl = NULL,
  thresholds = NULL,
  weights = NULL,
  cluster = NULL,
  imp = NULL,
  pairwise = TRUE,
  s.weights = NULL,
  abs = FALSE,
  subset = NULL,
  quick = TRUE,
  subclass = NULL,
  match.strata = NULL,
  estimand = NULL,
  focal = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  int = FALSE,
  poly = 1,
  distance = NULL,
  addl = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  thresholds = NULL,
  weights = NULL,
  cluster = NULL,
  imp = NULL,
  pairwise = TRUE,
  s.weights = NULL,
  abs = FALSE,
  subset = NULL,
  quick = TRUE,
  subclass = NULL,
  match.strata = NULL,
  estimand = NULL,
  focal = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'matrix'
  int = FALSE,
  poly = 1,
  distance = NULL,
  addl = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  thresholds = NULL,
  weights = NULL,
  cluster = NULL,
  imp = NULL,
  pairwise = TRUE,
  s.weights = NULL,
  abs = FALSE,
  subset = NULL,
  quick = TRUE,
  subclass = NULL,
  match.strata = NULL,
  estimand = NULL,
  focal = NULL,



either a data.frame containing covariate values for each unit or a formula with the treatment variable as the response and the covariates for which balance is to be assessed as the terms. If a formula is supplied, all terms must be present as variable names in data or the global environment.


an optional data frame containing variables named in other arguments. For some input object types, this is required.


character; which statistic(s) should be reported. See stats for allowable options. For binary and multi-category treatments, "mean.diffs" (i.e., mean differences) is the default. For continuous treatments, "correlations" (i.e., treatment-covariate Pearson correlations) is the default. Multiple options are allowed.


logical or numeric; whether or not to include 2-way interactions of covariates included in covs and in addl. If numeric, will be passed to poly as well.


numeric; the highest polynomial of each continuous covariate to display. For example, if 2, squares of each continuous covariate will be displayed (in addition to the covariate itself); if 3, squares and cubes of each continuous covariate will be displayed, etc. If 1, the default, only the base covariate will be displayed. If int is numeric, poly will take on the value of int.


an optional formula or data frame containing distance values (e.g., propensity scores) or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the argument to data, if specified. For longitudinal treatments, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point.


an optional formula or data frame containing additional covariates for which to present balance or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the arguments to the input object, covs, and data, if specified. For longitudinal treatments, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point.


whether mean differences for continuous variables should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "std". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


whether mean differences for binary variables (i.e., difference in proportion) should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "raw". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


character; how the denominator for standardized mean differences should be calculated, if requested. See col_w_smd() for allowable options. Abbreviations allowed. If weights are supplied, each set of weights should have a corresponding entry to s.d.denom; a single entry will be recycled to all sets of weights. If left blank and one of weights, subclass, or match.strata are supplied, will figure out which one is best based on estimand, if given (for ATT, "treated"; for ATC, "control"; otherwise "pooled") and other clues if not.


a named vector of balance thresholds, where the name corresponds to the statistic (i.e., in stats) that the threshold applies to. For example, to request thresholds on mean differences and variance ratios, one can set thresholds = c(m = .05, v = 2). Requesting a threshold automatically requests the display of that statistic. When specified, extra columns are inserted into the Balance table describing whether the requested balance statistics exceeded the threshold or not. Summary tables tallying the number of variables that exceeded and were within the threshold and displaying the variables with the greatest imbalance on that balance measure are added to the output.


a vector, list, or data.frame containing weights for each unit, or a string containing the names of the weights variables in data, or an object with a get.w() method or a list thereof. The weights can be, e.g., inverse probability weights or matching weights resulting from a matching algorithm.


either a vector containing cluster membership for each unit or a string containing the name of the cluster membership variable in data or the input object. See for details.


either a vector containing imputation indices for each unit or a string containing the name of the imputation index variable in data or the input object. See for details. Not necessary if data is a mids object.


whether balance should be computed for pairs of treatments or for each treatment against all groups combined. See for details. This can also be used with a binary treatment to assess balance with respect to the full sample.


Optional; either a vector containing sampling weights for each unit or a string containing the name of the sampling weight variable in data. These function like regular weights except that both the adjusted and unadjusted samples will be weighted according to these weights if weights are used.


logical; whether displayed balance statistics should be in absolute value or not.


a logical or numeric vector denoting whether each observation should be included or which observations should be included. If logical, it should have length equal to the number of units. NAs will be treated as FALSE. This can be used as an alternative to cluster to examine balance on subsets of the data.


logical; if TRUE, will not compute any values that will not be displayed. Set to FALSE if computed values not displayed will be used later.


optional; either a vector containing subclass membership for each unit or a string containing the name of the subclass variable in data.


optional; either a vector containing matching stratum membership for each unit or a string containing the name of the matching stratum variable in data. See Details.


character; the method of adjustment, if any. If weights are specified, the user can specify either "matching" or "weighting"; "weighting" is the default. If multiple sets of weights are used, each must have a corresponding value for method, but if they are all of the same type, only one value is required. If subclass is specified, "subclassification" is the default. Abbreviations allowed. The only distinction between "matching" and "weighting" is how sample sizes are displayed.


character; whether the desired estimand is the "ATT", "ATC", or "ATE" for each set of weights. This argument can be used in place of s.d.denom to specify how standardized differences are calculated.


the name of the focal treatment when multi-category treatments are used. See for details.


for some input types, other arguments that are required or allowed. Otherwise, further arguments to control display of output. See display options for details.


either a vector containing treatment status values for each unit or a string containing the name of the treatment variable in data. Required for the data.frame method.

Details generates a list of balance summaries for the covariates and treatment status values given. does the same but uses a formula interface instead. When the formula interface is used, the formula and data are reshaped into a treatment vector and data.frame of covariates and then simply passed through the data.frame method.

If weights, subclass and match.strata are all NULL, balance information will be presented only for the unadjusted sample.

The argument to match.strata corresponds to a factor vector containing the name or index of each pair/stratum for units conditioned through matching, for example, using the optmatch package. If more than one of weights, subclass, or match.strata are specified, will attempt to figure out which one to apply. Currently only one of these can be applied ta a time. behaves differently depending on whether subclasses are used in conditioning or not. If they are used, creates balance statistics for each subclass and for the sample in aggregate. See for more information.

Multiple sets of weights can be supplied simultaneously by entering a data.frame or a character vector containing the names of weight variables found in data or a list of weights vectors or names. The arguments to method, s.d.denom, and estimand, if any, must be either the same length as the number of sets of weights or of length one, where the sole entry is applied to all sets. When standardized differences are computed for the unadjusted group, they are done using the first entry to s.d.denom or estimand. When only one set of weights is supplied, the output for the adjusted group will simply be called "Adj", but otherwise will be named after each corresponding set of weights. Specifying multiple sets of weights will also add components to other outputs of


For point treatments, if clusters and imputations are not specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries for the specified treatment and covariates. See for details.

If imputations are specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries for each imputation and a summary of balance across imputations. See for details.

If multi-category treatments are used, an object of class "" containing balance summaries for each pairwise treatment comparison. See for details.

If clusters are specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries within each cluster and a summary of balance across clusters. See for details.

See Also


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")
lalonde$p.score <- glm(treat ~ age + educ + race, data = lalonde, 
                       family = "binomial")$fitted.values
covariates <- subset(lalonde, select = c(age, educ, race))

## Propensity score weighting using IPTW
lalonde$iptw.weights <- ifelse(lalonde$treat==1, 

# data frame interface:, treat = "treat", data = lalonde, 
        weights = "iptw.weights", s.d.denom = "pooled")

# Formula interface: ~ age + educ + race, data = lalonde, 
        weights = "iptw.weights", s.d.denom = "pooled")

## Propensity score subclassification
lalonde$subclass <- findInterval(lalonde$p.score, 
                                          (0:6)/6), all.inside = TRUE)

# data frame interface:, treat = "treat", data = lalonde, 
        subclass = "subclass", disp.subclass = TRUE, 
        s.d.denom = "pooled")

# Formula interface: ~ age + educ + race, data = lalonde, 
        subclass = "subclass", disp.subclass = TRUE, 
        s.d.denom = "pooled")

Balance Statistics for Matching Objects


Generates balance statistics for output objects from Matching.


## S3 method for class 'Match'
  formula = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  treat = NULL,
  covs = NULL,
  int = FALSE,
  poly = 1,
  distance = NULL,
  addl = NULL,
  thresholds = NULL,
  weights = NULL,
  cluster = NULL,
  imp = NULL,
  pairwise = TRUE,
  s.weights = NULL,
  abs = FALSE,
  subset = NULL,
  quick = TRUE,



a Match object (the output of a call to Matching::Match() or Matching::Matchby()).


a formula with the treatment variable as the response and the covariates for which balance is to be assessed as the predictors. All named variables must be in data. See Details.


a data frame containing variables named in formula, if supplied, and other arguments.


a vector of treatment statuses. See Details.


a data frame of covariate values for which to check balance. See Details.


character; which statistic(s) should be reported. See stats for allowable options. For binary and multi-category treatments, "mean.diffs" (i.e., mean differences) is the default. For continuous treatments, "correlations" (i.e., treatment-covariate Pearson correlations) is the default. Multiple options are allowed.


logical or numeric; whether or not to include 2-way interactions of covariates included in covs and in addl. If numeric, will be passed to poly as well.


numeric; the highest polynomial of each continuous covariate to display. For example, if 2, squares of each continuous covariate will be displayed (in addition to the covariate itself); if 3, squares and cubes of each continuous covariate will be displayed, etc. If 1, the default, only the base covariate will be displayed. If int is numeric, poly will take on the value of int.


an optional formula or data frame containing distance values (e.g., propensity scores) or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the argument to data, if specified. For longitudinal treatments, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point.


an optional formula or data frame containing additional covariates for which to present balance or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the arguments to the input object, covs, and data, if specified. For longitudinal treatments, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point.


whether mean differences for continuous variables should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "std". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


whether mean differences for binary variables (i.e., difference in proportion) should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "raw". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


character; how the denominator for standardized mean differences should be calculated, if requested. See col_w_smd() for allowable options. Abbreviations allowed. If not specified, will use "treated" if the estimand of the call to Match() is the ATT, "pooled" if the estimand is the ATE, and "control" if the estimand is the ATC.


a named vector of balance thresholds, where the name corresponds to the statistic (i.e., in stats) that the threshold applies to. For example, to request thresholds on mean differences and variance ratios, one can set thresholds = c(m = .05, v = 2). Requesting a threshold automatically requests the display of that statistic. When specified, extra columns are inserted into the Balance table describing whether the requested balance statistics exceeded the threshold or not. Summary tables tallying the number of variables that exceeded and were within the threshold and displaying the variables with the greatest imbalance on that balance measure are added to the output.


a vector, list, or data.frame containing weights for each unit, or a string containing the names of the weights variables in data, or an object with a get.w() method or a list thereof. The weights can be, e.g., inverse probability weights or matching weights resulting from a matching algorithm.


either a vector containing cluster membership for each unit or a string containing the name of the cluster membership variable in data or the input object. See for details.


either a vector containing imputation indices for each unit or a string containing the name of the imputation index variable in data or the input object. See for details. Not necessary if data is a mids object.


whether balance should be computed for pairs of treatments or for each treatment against all groups combined. See for details. This can also be used with a binary treatment to assess balance with respect to the full sample.


Optional; either a vector containing sampling weights for each unit or a string containing the name of the sampling weight variable in data. These function like regular weights except that both the adjusted and unadjusted samples will be weighted according to these weights if weights are used.


logical; whether displayed balance statistics should be in absolute value or not.


a logical or numeric vector denoting whether each observation should be included or which observations should be included. If logical, it should have length equal to the number of units. NAs will be treated as FALSE. This can be used as an alternative to cluster to examine balance on subsets of the data.


logical; if TRUE, will not compute any values that will not be displayed. Set to FALSE if computed values not displayed will be used later.


for some input types, other arguments that are required or allowed. Otherwise, further arguments to control display of output. See display options for details.

Details generates a list of balance summaries for the object given, and functions similarly to Matching::MatchBalance(). The input to must include either both formula and data or both covs and treat. Using the formula + data inputs mirrors how Matching::MatchBalance() is used.

cobalt functions do not support Match object with sampling weights, i.e., with an argument passed to the weights argument of Matching::Match().


If clusters and imputations are not specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries for the given object. See for details.

If clusters are specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries within each cluster and a summary of balance across clusters. See for details.

See Also for details of calculations.


library(Matching); data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

p.score <- glm(treat ~ age + educ + race + 
                   married + nodegree + re74 + re75, 
               data = lalonde, family = "binomial")$fitted.values
Match.out <- Match(Tr = lalonde$treat, X = p.score)

## Using formula and data, formula = treat ~ age + educ + race + 
            married + nodegree + re74 + re75, data = lalonde)

Balance Statistics for MatchIt Objects


Generates balance statistics for matchit objects from MatchIt.


## S3 method for class 'matchit'
  int = FALSE,
  poly = 1,
  distance = NULL,
  addl = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  thresholds = NULL,
  weights = NULL,
  cluster = NULL,
  imp = NULL,
  pairwise = TRUE,
  s.weights = NULL,
  abs = FALSE,
  subset = NULL,
  quick = TRUE,



a matchit object; the output of a call to MatchIt::matchit().


character; which statistic(s) should be reported. See stats for allowable options. For binary and multi-category treatments, "mean.diffs" (i.e., mean differences) is the default. For continuous treatments, "correlations" (i.e., treatment-covariate Pearson correlations) is the default. Multiple options are allowed.


logical or numeric; whether or not to include 2-way interactions of covariates included in covs and in addl. If numeric, will be passed to poly as well.


numeric; the highest polynomial of each continuous covariate to display. For example, if 2, squares of each continuous covariate will be displayed (in addition to the covariate itself); if 3, squares and cubes of each continuous covariate will be displayed, etc. If 1, the default, only the base covariate will be displayed. If int is numeric, poly will take on the value of int.


an optional formula or data frame containing distance values (e.g., propensity scores) or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the argument to data, if specified. The distance measure (e.g., propensity score) generated by matchit() is automatically included and named "distance".


an optional formula or data frame containing additional covariates for which to present balance or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the arguments to the input object, covs, and data, if specified. For longitudinal treatments, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point.


an optional data frame containing variables named in other arguments. For some input object types, this is required.


whether mean differences for continuous variables should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "std". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


whether mean differences for binary variables (i.e., difference in proportion) should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "raw". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


character; how the denominator for standardized mean differences should be calculated, if requested. See col_w_smd() for allowable options. Abbreviations allowed. If not specified, will figure out which one is best based on the estimand of the matchit object: if ATT, "treated"; if ATC, "control", otherwise "pooled".


a named vector of balance thresholds, where the name corresponds to the statistic (i.e., in stats) that the threshold applies to. For example, to request thresholds on mean differences and variance ratios, one can set thresholds = c(m = .05, v = 2). Requesting a threshold automatically requests the display of that statistic. When specified, extra columns are inserted into the Balance table describing whether the requested balance statistics exceeded the threshold or not. Summary tables tallying the number of variables that exceeded and were within the threshold and displaying the variables with the greatest imbalance on that balance measure are added to the output.


a vector, list, or data.frame containing weights for each unit, or a string containing the names of the weights variables in data, or an object with a get.w() method or a list thereof. The weights can be, e.g., inverse probability weights or matching weights resulting from a matching algorithm.


either a vector containing cluster membership for each unit or a string containing the name of the cluster membership variable in data or the input object. See for details.


either a vector containing imputation indices for each unit or a string containing the name of the imputation index variable in data or the input object. See for details. Not necessary if data is a mids object.


whether balance should be computed for pairs of treatments or for each treatment against all groups combined. See for details. This can also be used with a binary treatment to assess balance with respect to the full sample.


Optional; either a vector containing sampling weights for each unit or a string containing the name of the sampling weight variable in data. These function like regular weights except that both the adjusted and unadjusted samples will be weighted according to these weights if weights are used. If s.weights was specified in the call to matchit(), they will automatically be included and do not need be specified again (though there is no harm if they are).


logical; whether displayed balance statistics should be in absolute value or not.


a logical or numeric vector denoting whether each observation should be included or which observations should be included. If logical, it should have length equal to the number of units. NAs will be treated as FALSE. This can be used as an alternative to cluster to examine balance on subsets of the data.


logical; if TRUE, will not compute any values that will not be displayed. Set to FALSE if computed values not displayed will be used later.


a character vector containing the method of adjustment. Ignored unless subclassification was used in the original call to matchit(). If "weighting", the subclassification weights will be used and subclasses will be ignored. If "subclassification", balance will be assessed using the subclasses (see for details). Abbreviations allowed.


for some input types, other arguments that are required or allowed. Otherwise, further arguments to control display of output. See display options for details.

Details generates a list of balance summaries for the matchit object given, and functions similarly to MatchIt::summary.matchit(). behaves differently depending on whether subclasses are used in conditioning or not. If they are used, creates balance statistics for each subclass and for the sample in aggregate; see for more information.


If subclassification is used and method is set to "subclassification", an object of class "" containing balance summaries within and across subclasses. See for details.

If matching is used and clusters are not specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries for the matchit object. See for details.

If clusters are specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries within each cluster and a summary of balance across clusters. See for details.

See Also


library(MatchIt); data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

## Nearest Neighbor matching
m.out1 <- matchit(treat ~ age + educ + race + 
                      married + nodegree + re74 + re75, 
                  data = lalonde, method = "nearest"), un = TRUE, m.threshold = .1, 
        v.threshold = 2)

## Subclassification
m.out2 <- matchit(treat ~ age + educ + race + 
                      married + nodegree + re74 + re75, 
                  data = lalonde, method = "subclass"), disp.subclass = TRUE)

Balance Statistics for MatchThem Objects


Generates balance statistics for mimids and wimids objects from MatchThem.


## S3 method for class 'mimids'
  int = FALSE,
  poly = 1,
  distance = NULL,
  addl = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  thresholds = NULL,
  weights = NULL,
  cluster = NULL,
  pairwise = TRUE,
  s.weights = NULL,
  abs = FALSE,
  subset = NULL,
  quick = TRUE,



a mimids or wimids object; the output of a call to MatchThem::matchthem() or MatchThem::weightthem().


character; which statistic(s) should be reported. See stats for allowable options. For binary and multi-category treatments, "mean.diffs" (i.e., mean differences) is the default. For continuous treatments, "correlations" (i.e., treatment-covariate Pearson correlations) is the default. Multiple options are allowed.


logical or numeric; whether or not to include 2-way interactions of covariates included in covs and in addl. If numeric, will be passed to poly as well.


numeric; the highest polynomial of each continuous covariate to display. For example, if 2, squares of each continuous covariate will be displayed (in addition to the covariate itself); if 3, squares and cubes of each continuous covariate will be displayed, etc. If 1, the default, only the base covariate will be displayed. If int is numeric, poly will take on the value of int.


an optional formula or data frame containing distance values (e.g., propensity scores) or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the argument to data, if specified. The distance measure generated by matchthem() or weightthem() is automatically included and named "distance" or "prop.score", respectively.


an optional formula or data frame containing additional covariates for which to present balance or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the arguments to the input object, covs, and data, if specified. For longitudinal treatments, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point.


an optional data frame containing variables named in other arguments. For some input object types, this is required.


whether mean differences for continuous variables should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "std". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


whether mean differences for binary variables (i.e., difference in proportion) should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "raw". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


character; how the denominator for standardized mean differences should be calculated, if requested. See col_w_smd() for allowable options. Abbreviations allowed. If not specified, the defaults depend on the options specified in the original function calls; see and for details on the defaults.


a named vector of balance thresholds, where the name corresponds to the statistic (i.e., in stats) that the threshold applies to. For example, to request thresholds on mean differences and variance ratios, one can set thresholds = c(m = .05, v = 2). Requesting a threshold automatically requests the display of that statistic. When specified, extra columns are inserted into the Balance table describing whether the requested balance statistics exceeded the threshold or not. Summary tables tallying the number of variables that exceeded and were within the threshold and displaying the variables with the greatest imbalance on that balance measure are added to the output.


a vector, list, or data.frame containing weights for each unit, or a string containing the names of the weights variables in data, or an object with a get.w() method or a list thereof. The weights can be, e.g., inverse probability weights or matching weights resulting from a matching algorithm.


either a vector containing cluster membership for each unit or a string containing the name of the cluster membership variable in data or the input object. See for details.


whether balance should be computed for pairs of treatments or for each treatment against all groups combined. See for details. This can also be used with a binary treatment to assess balance with respect to the full sample.


Optional; either a vector containing sampling weights for each unit or a string containing the name of the sampling weight variable in data. These function like regular weights except that both the adjusted and unadjusted samples will be weighted according to these weights if weights are used.


logical; whether displayed balance statistics should be in absolute value or not.


a logical or numeric vector denoting whether each observation should be included or which observations should be included. If logical, it should have length equal to the number of units. NAs will be treated as FALSE. This can be used as an alternative to cluster to examine balance on subsets of the data.


logical; if TRUE, will not compute any values that will not be displayed. Set to FALSE if computed values not displayed will be used later.


for some input types, other arguments that are required or allowed. Otherwise, further arguments to control display of output. See display options for details.

Details and generate a list of balance summaries for the mimids or wimids object given.


If clusters are not specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries for each imputation and a summary of balance across imputations. See for details.

If clusters are specified, an object of class "" containing summaries between and across all clusters and imputations.

See Also



data("lalonde_mis", package = "cobalt")

#Imputing the missing data
imp <- mice(lalonde_mis, m = 5)

#Matching using within-imputation propensity scores
mt.out1 <- matchthem(treat ~ age + educ + race + 
                         married + nodegree + re74 + re75, 
                     data = imp, approach = "within")

#Matching using across-imputation average propensity scores
mt.out2 <- matchthem(treat ~ age + educ + race + 
                         married + nodegree + re74 + re75, 
                     data = imp, approach = "across")

#Weighting using within-imputation propensity scores
wt.out <- weightthem(treat ~ age + educ + race + 
                         married + nodegree + re74 + re75, 
                     data = imp, approach = "within",
                     estimand = "ATT")

Balance Statistics for optmatch Objects


Generates balance statistics for output objects from optmatch.


## S3 method for class 'optmatch'
  formula = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  treat = NULL,
  covs = NULL,
  estimand = NULL,
  int = FALSE,
  poly = 1,
  distance = NULL,
  addl = NULL,
  thresholds = NULL,
  weights = NULL,
  cluster = NULL,
  imp = NULL,
  pairwise = TRUE,
  s.weights = NULL,
  abs = FALSE,
  subset = NULL,
  quick = TRUE,



an optmatch object (the output of a call to optmatch::pairmatch() or optmatch::fullmatch()).


a formula with the treatment variable as the response and the covariates for which balance is to be assessed as the predictors. All named variables must be in data. See Details.


a data frame containing variables named in formula, if supplied, and other arguments.


a vector of treatment statuses. See Details.


a data frame of covariate values for which to check balance. See Details.


character; whether the desired estimand is the "ATT", "ATC", or "ATE". Default is "ATT".


character; which statistic(s) should be reported. See stats for allowable options. For binary and multi-category treatments, "mean.diffs" (i.e., mean differences) is the default. For continuous treatments, "correlations" (i.e., treatment-covariate Pearson correlations) is the default. Multiple options are allowed.


logical or numeric; whether or not to include 2-way interactions of covariates included in covs and in addl. If numeric, will be passed to poly as well.


numeric; the highest polynomial of each continuous covariate to display. For example, if 2, squares of each continuous covariate will be displayed (in addition to the covariate itself); if 3, squares and cubes of each continuous covariate will be displayed, etc. If 1, the default, only the base covariate will be displayed. If int is numeric, poly will take on the value of int.


an optional formula or data frame containing distance values (e.g., propensity scores) or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the argument to data, if specified. For longitudinal treatments, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point.


an optional formula or data frame containing additional covariates for which to present balance or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the arguments to the input object, covs, and data, if specified. For longitudinal treatments, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point.


whether mean differences for continuous variables should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "std". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


whether mean differences for binary variables (i.e., difference in proportion) should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "raw". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


character; how the denominator for standardized mean differences should be calculated, if requested. See col_w_smd() for allowable options. Abbreviations allowed. If unspecified, will figure out which one is best based on the estimand, if given (for ATT, "treated"; for ATC, "control"; otherwise "pooled") and other clues if not.


a named vector of balance thresholds, where the name corresponds to the statistic (i.e., in stats) that the threshold applies to. For example, to request thresholds on mean differences and variance ratios, one can set thresholds = c(m = .05, v = 2). Requesting a threshold automatically requests the display of that statistic. When specified, extra columns are inserted into the Balance table describing whether the requested balance statistics exceeded the threshold or not. Summary tables tallying the number of variables that exceeded and were within the threshold and displaying the variables with the greatest imbalance on that balance measure are added to the output.


a vector, list, or data.frame containing weights for each unit, or a string containing the names of the weights variables in data, or an object with a get.w() method or a list thereof. The weights can be, e.g., inverse probability weights or matching weights resulting from a matching algorithm.


either a vector containing cluster membership for each unit or a string containing the name of the cluster membership variable in data or the input object. See for details.


either a vector containing imputation indices for each unit or a string containing the name of the imputation index variable in data or the input object. See for details. Not necessary if data is a mids object.


whether balance should be computed for pairs of treatments or for each treatment against all groups combined. See for details. This can also be used with a binary treatment to assess balance with respect to the full sample.


Optional; either a vector containing sampling weights for each unit or a string containing the name of the sampling weight variable in data. These function like regular weights except that both the adjusted and unadjusted samples will be weighted according to these weights if weights are used.


logical; whether displayed balance statistics should be in absolute value or not.


a logical or numeric vector denoting whether each observation should be included or which observations should be included. If logical, it should have length equal to the number of units. NAs will be treated as FALSE. This can be used as an alternative to cluster to examine balance on subsets of the data.


logical; if TRUE, will not compute any values that will not be displayed. Set to FALSE if computed values not displayed will be used later.


for some input types, other arguments that are required or allowed. Otherwise, further arguments to control display of output. See display options for details.

Details generates a list of balance summaries for the object given. The input to must include either both formula and data or just covs (treat is not necessary).


If clusters and imputations are not specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries for the given object. See for details.

If clusters are specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries within each cluster and a summary of balance across clusters. See for details.

See Also for details of calculations.


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

lalonde$prop.score <- glm(treat ~ age + educ + race + 
                              married + nodegree + re74 + re75, 
                          data = lalonde, family = binomial)$fitted.values
pm <- optmatch::pairmatch(treat ~ prop.score, data = lalonde)

## Using formula and data; LHS of formula not required, formula = ~ age + educ + race +
            married + nodegree + re74 + re75,
        data = lalonde)

## Using covs
covs <- subset(lalonde, select = -c(re78, treat)), covs = covs)

Balance Statistics for twang Objects


Generates balance statistics for ps, mnps, and iptw objects from twang and for ps.cont objects from twangContinuous.


## S3 method for class 'ps'
  int = FALSE,
  poly = 1,
  distance = NULL,
  addl = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  thresholds = NULL,
  weights = NULL,
  cluster = NULL,
  imp = NULL,
  pairwise = TRUE,
  s.weights = NULL,
  abs = FALSE,
  subset = NULL,
  quick = TRUE,



a ps, mnps, iptw, or ps.cont object; the output of a call to twang::ps(), twang::mnps(), twang::iptw() or twangContinuous::ps.cont().


a string containing the names of the stopping methods used in the original call to ps(), mnps(), or iptw(). Examples include "es.max" or "ks.mean" for ps and mnps objects. will assess balance for the weights created by those stopping methods. The names can be abbreviated as long as the abbreviations are specific enough. If no stopping methods are provided, will default to displaying balance for all available stopping methods. Ignored for ps.cont objects.


character; which statistic(s) should be reported. See stats for allowable options. For binary and multi-category treatments, "mean.diffs" (i.e., mean differences) is the default. For continuous treatments, "correlations" (i.e., treatment-covariate Pearson correlations) is the default. Multiple options are allowed.


logical or numeric; whether or not to include 2-way interactions of covariates included in covs and in addl. If numeric, will be passed to poly as well.


numeric; the highest polynomial of each continuous covariate to display. For example, if 2, squares of each continuous covariate will be displayed (in addition to the covariate itself); if 3, squares and cubes of each continuous covariate will be displayed, etc. If 1, the default, only the base covariate will be displayed. If int is numeric, poly will take on the value of int.


an optional formula or data frame containing distance values (e.g., propensity scores) or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the argument to data, if specified. The propensity scores generated by ps() and iptw() (but not mnps() or ps.cont()) are automatically included and named "prop.score.{stop.method}".


an optional formula or data frame containing additional covariates for which to present balance or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the arguments to the input object, covs, and data, if specified. For longitudinal treatments, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point.


an optional data frame containing variables named in other arguments. For some input object types, this is required.


whether mean differences for continuous variables should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "std". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


whether mean differences for binary variables (i.e., difference in proportion) should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "raw". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


character; how the denominator for standardized mean differences should be calculated, if requested. See col_w_smd() for allowable options. Abbreviations allowed. If not specified, for ps objects, will use "treated" if the estimand of the call to ps() is the ATT and "pooled" if the estimand is the ATE; for mnps objects, will use "treated" if treatATT was specified in the original call to mnps and "pooled" otherwise. Use "all" to get the same values computed by bal.table() in twang.


a named vector of balance thresholds, where the name corresponds to the statistic (i.e., in stats) that the threshold applies to. For example, to request thresholds on mean differences and variance ratios, one can set thresholds = c(m = .05, v = 2). Requesting a threshold automatically requests the display of that statistic. When specified, extra columns are inserted into the Balance table describing whether the requested balance statistics exceeded the threshold or not. Summary tables tallying the number of variables that exceeded and were within the threshold and displaying the variables with the greatest imbalance on that balance measure are added to the output.


a vector, list, or data.frame containing weights for each unit, or a string containing the names of the weights variables in data, or an object with a get.w() method or a list thereof. The weights can be, e.g., inverse probability weights or matching weights resulting from a matching algorithm.


either a vector containing cluster membership for each unit or a string containing the name of the cluster membership variable in data or the input object. See for details.


either a vector containing imputation indices for each unit or a string containing the name of the imputation index variable in data or the input object. See for details. Not necessary if data is a mids object.


whether balance should be computed for pairs of treatments or for each treatment against all groups combined. See for details. This can also be used with a binary treatment to assess balance with respect to the full sample.


Optional; either a vector containing sampling weights for each unit or a string containing the name of the sampling weight variable in data. These function like regular weights except that both the adjusted and unadjusted samples will be weighted according to these weights if weights are used. If sampw was supplied in the call to ps(), mnps(), iptw(), or ps.cont(), they will automatically be supplied to s.weights and do not need be specified again (though there is no harm if they are).


logical; whether displayed balance statistics should be in absolute value or not.


a logical or numeric vector denoting whether each observation should be included or which observations should be included. If logical, it should have length equal to the number of units. NAs will be treated as FALSE. This can be used as an alternative to cluster to examine balance on subsets of the data.


logical; if TRUE, will not compute any values that will not be displayed. Set to FALSE if computed values not displayed will be used later.


for some input types, other arguments that are required or allowed. Otherwise, further arguments to control display of output. See display options for details.

Details generates a list of balance summaries for the input object given, and functions similarly to twang::bal.table(). The variances used in the denominator of the standardized mean differences computed in twang::bal.table() are weighted and computed using survey::svyvar() and are unweighted here (except when s.weights are specified, in which case col_w_sd() is used). twang also uses "all" as the default s.d.denom when the estimand is the ATE; the default here is "pooled". For these reasons, results may differ slightly between the two packages.


For binary or continuous point treatments, if clusters are not specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries for the ps object. See for details.

If clusters are specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries within each cluster and a summary of balance across clusters. See for details.

If mnps() is used with multi-category treatments, an object of class "" containing balance summaries for each pairwise treatment comparison and a summary of balance across pairwise comparisons. See for details.

See Also


library(twang); data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

## Using ps() for generalized boosted modeling
ps.out <- ps(treat ~ age + educ + married + race +
                 nodegree + re74 + re75, data = lalonde, 
             stop.method = c("ks.mean", "es.mean"), 
             estimand = "ATT", verbose = FALSE), stop.method = "ks.mean", un = TRUE, 
        m.threshold = .1, disp.ks = TRUE)

Balance Statistics for sbw Objects


Generates balance statistics for sbwcau objects from sbw.


## S3 method for class 'sbwcau'
  int = FALSE,
  poly = 1,
  distance = NULL,
  addl = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  thresholds = NULL,
  weights = NULL,
  cluster = NULL,
  imp = NULL,
  pairwise = TRUE,
  s.weights = NULL,
  abs = FALSE,
  subset = NULL,
  quick = TRUE,



an sbwcau object; the output of a call to sbw::sbw().


character; which statistic(s) should be reported. See stats for allowable options. For binary and multi-category treatments, "mean.diffs" (i.e., mean differences) is the default. For continuous treatments, "correlations" (i.e., treatment-covariate Pearson correlations) is the default. Multiple options are allowed.


logical or numeric; whether or not to include 2-way interactions of covariates included in covs and in addl. If numeric, will be passed to poly as well.


numeric; the highest polynomial of each continuous covariate to display. For example, if 2, squares of each continuous covariate will be displayed (in addition to the covariate itself); if 3, squares and cubes of each continuous covariate will be displayed, etc. If 1, the default, only the base covariate will be displayed. If int is numeric, poly will take on the value of int.


an optional formula or data frame containing distance values (e.g., propensity scores) or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the argument to data, if specified. For longitudinal treatments, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point.


an optional formula or data frame containing additional covariates for which to present balance or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the arguments to the input object, covs, and data, if specified. For longitudinal treatments, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point.


an optional data frame containing variables named in other arguments. For some input object types, this is required.


whether mean differences for continuous variables should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "std". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


whether mean differences for binary variables (i.e., difference in proportion) should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "raw". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


character; how the denominator for standardized mean differences should be calculated, if requested. See col_w_smd() for allowable options. Abbreviations allowed. If not specified, will figure out which one is best based on the par component of the sbwcau object: if "att", "treated"; if "atc", "control"; otherwise "pooled".


a named vector of balance thresholds, where the name corresponds to the statistic (i.e., in stats) that the threshold applies to. For example, to request thresholds on mean differences and variance ratios, one can set thresholds = c(m = .05, v = 2). Requesting a threshold automatically requests the display of that statistic. When specified, extra columns are inserted into the Balance table describing whether the requested balance statistics exceeded the threshold or not. Summary tables tallying the number of variables that exceeded and were within the threshold and displaying the variables with the greatest imbalance on that balance measure are added to the output.


a vector, list, or data.frame containing weights for each unit, or a string containing the names of the weights variables in data, or an object with a get.w() method or a list thereof. The weights can be, e.g., inverse probability weights or matching weights resulting from a matching algorithm.


either a vector containing cluster membership for each unit or a string containing the name of the cluster membership variable in data or the input object. See for details.


either a vector containing imputation indices for each unit or a string containing the name of the imputation index variable in data or the input object. See for details. Not necessary if data is a mids object.


whether balance should be computed for pairs of treatments or for each treatment against all groups combined. See for details. This can also be used with a binary treatment to assess balance with respect to the full sample.


Optional; either a vector containing sampling weights for each unit or a string containing the name of the sampling weight variable in data. These function like regular weights except that both the adjusted and unadjusted samples will be weighted according to these weights if weights are used.


logical; whether displayed balance statistics should be in absolute value or not.


a logical or numeric vector denoting whether each observation should be included or which observations should be included. If logical, it should have length equal to the number of units. NAs will be treated as FALSE. This can be used as an alternative to cluster to examine balance on subsets of the data.


logical; if TRUE, will not compute any values that will not be displayed. Set to FALSE if computed values not displayed will be used later.


for some input types, other arguments that are required or allowed. Otherwise, further arguments to control display of output. See display options for details.

Details generates a list of balance summaries for the sbwcau object given, and functions similarly to sbw::summarize().


If clusters are not specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries for the sbwcau object. See for details.

If clusters are specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries within each cluster and a summary of balance across clusters. See for details.

See Also


library(sbw); data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

## Stable balancing weights for the ATT
sbw.out <- sbw(splitfactor(lalonde, drop.first = "if2"),
               ind = "treat",
               bal = list(bal_cov = c("age", "educ", "race_black", 
                                      "race_hispan", "race_white", 
                                      "married", "nodegree", 
                                      "re74", "re75"),
                          bal_alg = FALSE, 
                          bal_tol = .001),
               par = list(par_est = "att")), un = TRUE, poly = 2)

Balance Statistics for Longitudinal Datasets


Generates balance statistics for data coming from a longitudinal treatment scenario. The primary input is in the form of a list of formulas or data.frames contain the covariates at each time point. automatically classifies this list as either a data.frame.list or formula.list, respectively.


## S3 method for class 'formula.list'
  int = FALSE,
  poly = 1,
  distance = NULL,
  addl = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  thresholds = NULL,
  weights = NULL,
  cluster = NULL,
  imp = NULL,
  pairwise = TRUE,
  s.weights = NULL,
  abs = FALSE,
  subset = NULL,
  quick = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'data.frame.list'
  int = FALSE,
  poly = 1,
  distance = NULL,
  addl = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  thresholds = NULL,
  weights = NULL,
  cluster = NULL,
  imp = NULL,
  pairwise = TRUE,
  s.weights = NULL,
  abs = FALSE,
  subset = NULL,
  quick = TRUE,



either a list of data frames containing all the covariates to be assessed at each time point or a list of formulas with the treatment for each time period on the left and the covariates for which balance is to be displayed on the right. Covariates to be assessed at multiple points must be included in the entries for each time point. Data must be in the "wide" format, with one row per unit. If a formula list is supplied, an argument to data is required unless all objects in the formulas exist in the environment.


character; which statistic(s) should be reported. See stats for allowable options. For binary and multi-category treatments, "mean.diffs" (i.e., mean differences) is the default. For continuous treatments, "correlations" (i.e., treatment-covariate Pearson correlations) is the default. Multiple options are allowed.


logical or numeric; whether or not to include 2-way interactions of covariates included in covs and in addl. If numeric, will be passed to poly as well.


numeric; the highest polynomial of each continuous covariate to display. For example, if 2, squares of each continuous covariate will be displayed (in addition to the covariate itself); if 3, squares and cubes of each continuous covariate will be displayed, etc. If 1, the default, only the base covariate will be displayed. If int is numeric, poly will take on the value of int.


an optional formula or data frame containing distance values (e.g., propensity scores) or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the argument to data, if specified. For longitudinal treatments, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point.


an optional formula or data frame containing additional covariates for which to present balance or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the arguments to the input object, covs, and data, if specified. For longitudinal treatments, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point.


an optional data frame containing variables named in other arguments. For some input object types, this is required.


whether mean differences for continuous variables should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "std". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


whether mean differences for binary variables (i.e., difference in proportion) should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "raw". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


character; how the denominator for standardized mean differences should be calculated, if requested. See col_w_smd() for allowable options. Abbreviations allowed. It is recommended not to set this argument for longitudinal treatments.


a named vector of balance thresholds, where the name corresponds to the statistic (i.e., in stats) that the threshold applies to. For example, to request thresholds on mean differences and variance ratios, one can set thresholds = c(m = .05, v = 2). Requesting a threshold automatically requests the display of that statistic. When specified, extra columns are inserted into the Balance table describing whether the requested balance statistics exceeded the threshold or not. Summary tables tallying the number of variables that exceeded and were within the threshold and displaying the variables with the greatest imbalance on that balance measure are added to the output.


a vector, list, or data.frame containing weights for each unit, or a string containing the names of the weights variables in data, or an object with a get.w() method or a list thereof. The weights can be, e.g., inverse probability weights or matching weights resulting from a matching algorithm.


either a vector containing cluster membership for each unit or a string containing the name of the cluster membership variable in data or the input object. See for details.


either a vector containing imputation indices for each unit or a string containing the name of the imputation index variable in data or the input object. See for details. Not necessary if data is a mids object.


whether balance should be computed for pairs of treatments or for each treatment against all groups combined. See for details. This can also be used with a binary treatment to assess balance with respect to the full sample.


Optional; either a vector containing sampling weights for each unit or a string containing the name of the sampling weight variable in data. These function like regular weights except that both the adjusted and unadjusted samples will be weighted according to these weights if weights are used.


logical; whether displayed balance statistics should be in absolute value or not.


a logical or numeric vector denoting whether each observation should be included or which observations should be included. If logical, it should have length equal to the number of units. NAs will be treated as FALSE. This can be used as an alternative to cluster to examine balance on subsets of the data.


logical; if TRUE, will not compute any values that will not be displayed. Set to FALSE if computed values not displayed will be used later.


for some input types, other arguments that are required or allowed. Otherwise, further arguments to control display of output. See display options for details.


treatment status for each unit at each time point. This can be specified as a list or data frame of vectors, each of which contains the treatment status of each individual at each time point, or a list or vector of the names of variables in data that contain treatment at each time point. Required for the data.frame.list method.

Details and generate a list of balance summaries for each time point based on the treatments and covariates provided. All data must be in the "wide" format, with exactly one row per unit and columns representing variables at different time points. See the WeightIt::weightitMSM() documentation for an example of how to transform long data into wide data using reshape().

Multiple sets of weights can be supplied simultaneously by including entering a data frame or a character vector containing the names of weight variables found in data or a list thereof. When only one set of weights is supplied, the output for the adjusted group will simply be called "Adj", but otherwise will be named after each corresponding set of weights. Specifying multiple sets of weights will also add components to other outputs of


An object of class containing balance summaries at each time point. Each balance summary is its own object. See for more details.

See base methods() for more detailed information on the value of the objects produced for each time point.

See Also


data("msmdata", package = "WeightIt")

## Estimating longitudinal propensity scores and weights
ps1 <- glm(A_1 ~ X1_0 + X2_0,
           data = msmdata, 
           family = "binomial")$fitted.values
w1 <- ifelse(msmdata$A_1 == 1, 1 / ps1, 1 / (1 - ps1))

ps2 <- glm(A_2 ~ X1_1 + X2_1 +
               A_1 + X1_0 + X2_0,
           data = msmdata, 
           family = "binomial")$fitted.values
w2 <- ifelse(msmdata$A_2 == 1, 1 / ps2, 1 / (1 - ps2))

ps3 <- glm(A_3 ~ X1_2 + X2_2 +
               A_2 + X1_1 + X2_1 +
               A_1 + X1_0 + X2_0,
           data = msmdata, 
           family = "binomial")$fitted.values
w3 <- ifelse(msmdata$A_3 == 1, 1 / ps3, 1 / (1 - ps3))

w <- w1 * w2 * w3

# Formula interface plus addl: ~ X1_0 + X2_0,
             A_2 ~ X1_1 + X2_1 +
                 A_1 + X1_0 + X2_0,
             A_3 ~ X1_2 + X2_2 +
                 A_2 + X1_1 + X2_1 +
                 A_1 + X1_0 + X2_0),
        data = msmdata, 
        weights = w,
        distance = list(~ps1, ~ps2, ~ps3),
        addl = ~X1_0 * X2_0,
        un = TRUE)

# data frame interface:[c("X1_0", "X2_0")],
             msmdata[c("X1_1", "X2_1", "A_1", "X1_0", "X2_0")],
             msmdata[c("X1_2", "X2_2", "A_2", "X1_1", "X2_1",
                       "A_1", "X1_0", "X2_0")]),
        treat.list = msmdata[c("A_1", "A_2", "A_3")], 
        weights = w,
        distance = list(~ps1, ~ps2, ~ps3),
        un = TRUE)

Balance Statistics for WeightIt Objects


Generates balance statistics for weightit and weightitMSM objects from WeightIt.


## S3 method for class 'weightit'
  int = FALSE,
  poly = 1,
  distance = NULL,
  addl = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  thresholds = NULL,
  weights = NULL,
  cluster = NULL,
  imp = NULL,
  pairwise = TRUE,
  s.weights = NULL,
  abs = FALSE,
  subset = NULL,
  quick = TRUE,



a weightit or weightitMSM object; the output of a call to WeightIt::weightit() or WeightIt::weightitMSM().


character; which statistic(s) should be reported. See stats for allowable options. For binary and multi-category treatments, "mean.diffs" (i.e., mean differences) is the default. For continuous treatments, "correlations" (i.e., treatment-covariate Pearson correlations) is the default. Multiple options are allowed.


logical or numeric; whether or not to include 2-way interactions of covariates included in covs and in addl. If numeric, will be passed to poly as well.


numeric; the highest polynomial of each continuous covariate to display. For example, if 2, squares of each continuous covariate will be displayed (in addition to the covariate itself); if 3, squares and cubes of each continuous covariate will be displayed, etc. If 1, the default, only the base covariate will be displayed. If int is numeric, poly will take on the value of int.


an optional formula or data frame containing distance values (e.g., propensity scores) or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the argument to data, if specified. Propensity scores generated by weightit() and weightitMSM() are automatically included and named "prop.score".


an optional formula or data frame containing additional covariates for which to present balance or a character vector containing their names. If a formula or variable names are specified, will look in the arguments to the input object, covs, and data, if specified. For longitudinal treatments, can be a list of allowable arguments, one for each time point.


an optional data frame containing variables named in other arguments. For some input object types, this is required.


whether mean differences for continuous variables should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "std". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


whether mean differences for binary variables (i.e., difference in proportion) should be standardized ("std") or raw ("raw"). Default "raw". Abbreviations allowed. This option can be set globally using set.cobalt.options().


character; how the denominator for standardized mean differences should be calculated, if requested. See col_w_smd() for allowable options. Abbreviations allowed. If not specified, will figure out which one is best based on the estimand of the weightit object: if ATT, "treated"; if ATC, "control"; otherwise "pooled".


a named vector of balance thresholds, where the name corresponds to the statistic (i.e., in stats) that the threshold applies to. For example, to request thresholds on mean differences and variance ratios, one can set thresholds = c(m = .05, v = 2). Requesting a threshold automatically requests the display of that statistic. When specified, extra columns are inserted into the Balance table describing whether the requested balance statistics exceeded the threshold or not. Summary tables tallying the number of variables that exceeded and were within the threshold and displaying the variables with the greatest imbalance on that balance measure are added to the output.


a vector, list, or data.frame containing weights for each unit, or a string containing the names of the weights variables in data, or an object with a get.w() method or a list thereof. The weights can be, e.g., inverse probability weights or matching weights resulting from a matching algorithm.


either a vector containing cluster membership for each unit or a string containing the name of the cluster membership variable in data or the input object. See for details.


either a vector containing imputation indices for each unit or a string containing the name of the imputation index variable in data or the input object. See for details. Not necessary if data is a mids object.


whether balance should be computed for pairs of treatments or for each treatment against all groups combined. See for details. This can also be used with a binary treatment to assess balance with respect to the full sample.


Optional; either a vector containing sampling weights for each unit or a string containing the name of the sampling weight variable in data. These function like regular weights except that both the adjusted and unadjusted samples will be weighted according to these weights if weights are used. If s.weights was supplied in the call to weightit() or weightitMSM(), they will automatically be included and do not need be specified again (though there is no harm if they are).


logical; whether displayed balance statistics should be in absolute value or not.


a logical or numeric vector denoting whether each observation should be included or which observations should be included. If logical, it should have length equal to the number of units. NAs will be treated as FALSE. This can be used as an alternative to cluster to examine balance on subsets of the data.


logical; if TRUE, will not compute any values that will not be displayed. Set to FALSE if computed values not displayed will be used later.


for some input types, other arguments that are required or allowed. Otherwise, further arguments to control display of output. See display options for details.

Details generates a list of balance summaries for the weightit object given.


For point treatments, if clusters and imputations are not specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries for the weightit object. See for details.

If imputations are specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries for each imputation and a summary of balance across imputations. See for details.

If weightit() is used with multi-category treatments, an object of class "" containing balance summaries for each pairwise treatment comparison. See for details.

If weightitMSM() is used for longitudinal treatments, an object of class "" containing balance summaries for each time period. See for details.

If clusters are specified, an object of class "" containing balance summaries within each cluster and a summary of balance across clusters. See for details.

See Also


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

## Basic propensity score weighting
w.out1 <- weightit(treat ~ age + educ + race + 
                       married + nodegree + re74 + re75, 
                   data = lalonde, method = "glm"), un = TRUE, m.threshold = .1, 
        v.threshold = 2)

## Weighting with a multi-category treatment
w.out2 <- weightit(race ~ age + educ + married + 
                       nodegree + re74 + re75, 
                   data = lalonde, method = "glm",
                   estimand = "ATE"), un = TRUE), un = TRUE, pairwise = FALSE)

## IPW for longitudinal treatments
data("msmdata", package = "WeightIt")

wmsm.out <- weightitMSM(list(A_1 ~ X1_0 + X2_0,
                        A_2 ~ X1_1 + X2_1 +
                            A_1 + X1_0 + X2_0,
                        A_3 ~ X1_2 + X2_2 +
                            A_2 + X1_1 + X2_1 +
                            A_1 + X1_0 + X2_0),
                   data = msmdata,
                   method = "glm")

Balance Statistics in and love.plot

Description and love.plot() display balance statistics for the included covariates. The stats argument in each of these functions controls which balance statistics are to be displayed. The argument to stats should be a character vector with the names of the desired balance statistics.

This page describes all of the available balance statistics and how to request them. Abbreviations are allowed, so you can use the first few letters of each balance statistics to request it instead of typing out its whole name. That convention is used throughout the documentation. For example, to request mean differences and variance ratios in or love.plot(), you could include stats = c("m", "v"). In addition, the thresholds argument uses the same naming conventions and can be used to request balance thresholds on each statistic. For example, to request a balance threshold of .1 for mean differences, you could include thresholds = c(m = .1).

Below, each allowable entry to stats and thresholds are described, along with other details or option that accompany them.

Binary/Multi-Category Treatments


Mean differences as computed by col_w_smd(). Can be abbreviated as "m". Setting the arguments continuous and binary to either "std" or "raw" will determine whether standardized mean differences or raw mean differences are calculated for continuous and categorical variables, respectively. When standardized mean differences are requested, the s.d.denom argument controls how the standardization occurs. When abs = TRUE, negative values become positive. Mean differences are requested by default when no entry to stats is provided.


Variance ratios as computed by col_w_vr(). Can be abbreviated as "v". Will not be computed for binary variables. When abs = TRUE, values less than 1 will have their inverse taken. When used with love.plot, the x-axis scaled will be logged so that, e.g., .5 is as far away from 1 as 2 is.


Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) statistics as computed by col_w_ks().


Overlapping (OVL) statistics as computed by col_w_ovl(). Can be abbreviated as "ovl". Additional arguments passed to col_w_ovl(), such as integrate or bw, can be supplied to or love.plot().

Continuous Treatments


Pearson correlations as computed by col_w_cov(). Can be abbreviated as "cor". Setting the arguments continuous and binary to either "std" or "raw" will determine whether correlations or covariances are calculated for continuous and categorical variables, respectively (they are both "std" by default). When correlations are requested, the s.d.denom argument controls how the standardization occurs. When abs = TRUE, negative values become positive. Pearson correlations are requested by default when no entry to stats is provided.


Spearman correlations as computed by col_w_cov(). Can be abbreviated as "sp". All arguments are the same as those for "correlations". When abs = TRUE, negative values become positive.


Mean differences computed between the weighted and unweighted sample to ensure the weighted sample is representative of the original population. Can be abbreviated as "m". Setting the arguments continuous and binary to either "std" or "raw" will determine whether standardized mean differences or raw mean differences are calculated for continuous and categorical variables, respectively. The standardization factor will be computed in the unweighted sample. When abs = TRUE, negative values become positive. This statistic is only computed for the adjusted samples.


KS-statistics computed between the weighted and unweighted sample to ensure the weighted sample is representative of the original population. Can be abbreviated as "ks". This statistic is only computed for the adjusted samples.

If a statistic is requested in thresholds, it will automatically be placed in stats. For example,, stats = "m", thresholds = c(v = 2)) will display both mean differences and variance ratios, and the variance ratios will have a balance threshold set to 2.



#Binary treatments ~ age + educ + married + re74, data = lalonde,
        stats = c("m", "v", "ks"))
love.plot(treat ~ age + educ + married + re74, data = lalonde,
          stats = c("m", "v", "ks"), binary = "std",
          thresholds = c(m = .1, v = 2))

#Continuous treatments ~ age + educ + married + re74, data = lalonde,
        stats = c("cor", "sp"))
love.plot(re75 ~ age + educ + married + re74, data = lalonde,
          thresholds = c(cor = .1, sp = .1))

Compute Balance and Summary Statistics for Covariates


These functions quickly compute balance statistics for the given covariates. These functions are used in, but they are available for use in programming without having to call to get them.

  • col_w_mean() computes the (weighted) means for a set of covariates and weights and is essentially a weighted version of colMeans().

  • col_w_sd() computes the (weighted) standard deviations for a set of covariates and weights.

  • col_w_smd() computes the (weighted) (absolute) (standardized) difference in means for a set of covariates, a binary treatment, and weights.

  • col_w_vr() computes the (weighted) variance ratio for a set of covariates, a binary treatment, and weights.

  • col_w_ks() computes the (weighted) Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) statistic for a set of covariates, a binary treatment, and weights.

  • col_w_ovl() computes the complement of the (weighted) overlapping coefficient compliment for a set of covariates, a binary treatment, and weights (based on Franklin et al, 2014).

  • col_w_cov() and col_w_corr() compute the (weighted) (absolute) treatment-covariate covariance or correlation for a set of covariates, a continuous treatment, and weights.


  weights = NULL,
  s.weights = NULL,
  subset = NULL,
  na.rm = TRUE,

  weights = NULL,
  s.weights = NULL,
  subset = NULL,
  na.rm = TRUE,

  weights = NULL,
  std = TRUE,
  s.d.denom = "pooled",
  abs = FALSE,
  s.weights = NULL,
  subset = NULL,
  weighted.weights = weights,
  na.rm = TRUE,

  weights = NULL,
  abs = FALSE,
  s.weights = NULL,
  subset = NULL,
  na.rm = TRUE,

  weights = NULL,
  s.weights = NULL,
  subset = NULL,
  na.rm = TRUE,

  weights = NULL,
  s.weights = NULL,
  integrate = FALSE,
  subset = NULL,
  na.rm = TRUE,

  weights = NULL,
  type = "pearson",
  std = FALSE,
  s.d.denom = "all",
  abs = FALSE,
  s.weights = NULL,
  subset = NULL,
  weighted.weights = weights,
  na.rm = TRUE,

  weights = NULL,
  type = "pearson",
  s.d.denom = "all",
  abs = FALSE,
  s.weights = NULL,
  subset = NULL,
  weighted.weights = weights,
  na.rm = TRUE,



a numeric matrix or a data frame containing the covariates for which the statistic is to be computed. If a data frame, splitfactor() with drop.first = "if2" will be called if any character or factor variables are present. This can slow down the function, so it's generally best to supply a numeric matrix. If a numeric vector is supplied, it will be converted to a 1-column matrix first.


numeric; an optional set of weights used to compute the weighted statistics. If sampling weights are supplied through s.weights, the weights should not incorporate these weights, as weights and s.weights will be multiplied together prior to computing the weighted statistics.


numeric; an optional set of sampling weights used to compute the weighted statistics. If weights are supplied through weights, weights and s.weights will be multiplied together prior to computing the weighted statistics. Some functions use s.weights in a particular way; for others, supplying weights and s.weights is equivalent to supplying their product to either weights or s.weights. See Details.


a logical vector with length equal to the number of rows of mat used to subset the data. See Details for notes on its use with col_w_smd(), col_w_cov(), and col_w_corr().


logical; whether NAs should be ignored or not. If FALSE, any variable with any NAs will have its corresponding statistic returned as NA. If TRUE, any variable with any NAs will have its corresponding statistic computed as if the missing value were not there.


for all functions, additional arguments supplied to splitfactor() when mat is a data.frame. data,, drop.first, and drop.level are ignored; drop.first is automatically set to "if2". For col_w_ovl() and col_w_ent(), other arguments passed to density() besides x and weights. Note that the default value for bw when unspecified is "nrd" rather than the default in density(), which is "nrd0".


a vector used to denote whether each variable is binary or not. Can be a logical vector with length equal to the number of columns of mat or a vector of numeric indices or character names of the binary variables. If missing (the default), the function will figure out which covariates are binary or not, which can increase computation time. If NULL, it will be assumed no variables are binary. All functions other than col_w_mean() treat binary variables different from continuous variables. If a factor or character variable is in mat, all the dummies created will automatically be marked as binary, but it should still receive an entry when bin.vars is supplied as logical.


a vector of treatment status for each individual. For col_w_smd(), col_w_vr(), col_w_ks(), and col_w_ovl(), treat should have exactly two unique values. For col_w_cov() and col_w_corr(), treat should be a many-valued numeric vector.


logical; for col_w_smd(), whether the computed mean differences for each variable should be standardized; for col_w_cov(), whether treatment-covariate correlations should be computed (TRUE) rather than covariances (FALSE). Can be either length 1, whereby all variables will be standardized or not, or length equal to the number of columns of mat, whereby only variables with a value of TRUE will be standardized. See Details.


for col_w_smd() and col_w_cov() when std is TRUE for some variables, and for col_w_corr(), how the standardization factor should be computed. For col_w_smd() (i.e., when computing standardized mean differences), allowable options include

  • "treated" - uses the standard deviation of the variable in the treated group

  • "control" - uses the standard deviation of the variable in the control group

  • "pooled" - uses the square root of the average of the variances of the variable in the treated and control groups

  • "all" - uses the standard deviation of the variable in the full sample

  • "weighted" - uses the standard deviation of the variable in the full sample weighted by weighted.weights

  • "hedges" - uses the small-sample corrected version of Hedge's G described in the WWC Procedures Handbook (see References)

  • the name of one of the treatment values - uses the standard deviation of the variable in that treatment group.

For col_w_cov() and col_w_corr(), only "all" and "weighted" are allowed. Abbreviations allowed. This can also be supplied as a numeric vector of standard deviations with length equal to the number of columns of mat; the values will be used as the standardization factors.


logical; for col_w_smd(), col_w_cov(), and col_w_corr(), whether the returned statistics should be in absolute value (TRUE) or not. For col_w_vr(), whether the ratio should always include the larger variance in the numerator, so that the ratio is always greater than or equal to 1. Default is FALSE.


for col_w_smd(), col_w_cov(), and col_w_corr(), when std = TRUE and s.d.denom = "weighted", a vector of weights to be applied to the computation of the denominator standard deviation. If not specified, will use the argument to weights. When s.d.denom is not "weighted", this is ignored. The main purpose of this is to allow weights to be NULL while weighting the denominator standard deviations for assessing balance in the unweighted sample but using the standard deviations of the weighted sample.


logical; for col_w_ovl(), whether to use integrate() to calculate the area of overlap or the distance between the densities, respectively. If FALSE, a midpoint Riemann sum with 1000 partitions will be used instead. The Riemann sum is a little slower and very slightly imprecise (unnoticibly in most contexts), but the integral can fail sometimes and thus is less stable. The default is to use the Riemann sum.


for col_w_cov() and col_w_corr(), the type of covariance/correlation to be computed. Allowable options include "pearson" and "spearman". When "spearman" is requested, the covariates and treatment are first turned into ranks using rank() with na.last = "keep".


col_w_mean() computes column weighted means for a matrix of variables. It is similar to colMeans() but (optionally) incorporates weights. weights and s.weights are multiplied together prior to being used, and there is no distinction between them. This could be used to compute the weighted means of each covariate in the general population to examine the degree to which a weighting method has left the weighted samples resembling the original population.

col_w_sd() computes column weighted standard deviations for a matrix of variables. weights and s.weights are multiplied together prior to being used, and there is no distinction between them. The variance of binary variables is computed as p(1p)p(1-p), where pp is the (weighted) proportion of 1s, while the variance of continuous variables is computed using the standard formula; the standard deviation is the square root of this variance.

col_w_smd() computes the mean difference for each covariate between treatment groups defined by treat. These mean differences can optionally be weighted, standardized, and/or in absolute value. The standardization factor is computed using the unweighted standard deviation or variance when s.weights are absent, and is computed using the s.weights-weighted standard deviation or variance when s.weights are present, except when s.d.denom = "weighted", in which case the product of weighted.weights and s.weights (if present) are used to weight the standardization factor. The standardization factor is computed using the whole sample even when subset is used. Note that unlike, col_w_smd() requires the user to specify whether each individual variable should be standardized using std rather than relying on continuous or binary. The weighted mean difference is computed using the product of weights and s.weights, if specified. The variance of binary variables is computed as p(1p)p(1-p), where pp is the (weighted) proportion of 1s, while the variance of continuous variables is computed using the standard formula.

col_w_vr() computes the variance ratio for each covariate between treatment groups defined by treat. When abs = TRUE, pmax(out, 1/out) is applied to the output so that the ratio is always greater than or equal to 1. For binary variables, the variance is computed as p(1p)p(1-p), where pp is the (weighted) proportion of 1s, while the variance of continuous variables is computed using the standard formula. Note that in, variance ratios are not computed for binary variables, while here, they are (but likely should not be interpreted). weights and s.weights are multiplied together prior to being used, and there is no distinction between them. Because of how the weighted variance is computed, exactly balanced groups may have variance ratios that differ slightly from 1.

col_w_ks() computes the KS statistic for each covariate using the method implemented in twang. The KS statistics can optionally be weighted. For binary variables, the KS statistic is just the difference in proportions. weights and s.weights are multiplied together prior to being used, and there is no distinction between them.

col_w_ovl() computes the complement of the overlapping coefficient as described by Franklin et al. (2014). It does so by computing the density of the covariate in the treated and control groups, then finding the area where those density overlap, and subtracting that number from 1, yielding a value between 0 and 1 where 1 indicates complete imbalance, and 0 indicates perfect balance. density() is used to model the density in each group. The bandwidth of the covariate in the smaller treatment group is used for both groups. The area of overlap can be computed using integrate, which quickly and accurately computes the integral, or using a midpoint Riemann sum with 1000 partitions, which approximates the area more slowly. A reason to prefer the Riemann sum is that integrate can fail for unknown reasons, though Riemann sums will fail with some extreme distributions. When either method fails, the resulting value will be NA. For binary variables, the complement of the overlapping coefficient is just the difference in proportions. weights and s.weights are multiplied together prior to being used, and there is no distinction between them. The weights are used to compute the weighted density by supplying them to the weights argument of density.

col_w_cov() computes the covariance between a continuous treatment and the covariates to assess balance for continuous treatments as recommended in Austin (2019). These covariance can optionally be weighted or in absolute value or can be requested as correlations (i.e., standardized covariances). The correlations are computed as the covariance between the treatment and covariate divided by a standardization factor, which is equal to the square root of the product of the variance of treatment and the variance of the covariate. The standardization factor is computed using the unweighted variances when s.weights are absent, and is computed using the sampling weighted variances when s.weights are present, except when s.d.denom = "weighted", in which case the product of weighted.weights and s.weights (if present) are used to weight the standardization factor. For this reason, the computed correlation can be greater than 1 or less than -1. The standardization factor is always computed using the whole sample even when subset is used. The covariance is computed using the product of weights and s.weights, if specified. The variance of binary variables is computed as p(1p)p(1-p), where pp is the (weighted) proportion of 1s, while the variance of continuous variables is computed using the standard formula.

col_w_corr() is a wrapper for col_w_cov with std set to TRUE.


A vector of balance statistics, one for each variable in mat. If mat has column names, the output will be named as well.


Austin, P. C. (2019). Assessing covariate balance when using the generalized propensity score with quantitative or continuous exposures. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 28(5), 1365–1377. doi:10.1177/0962280218756159

Franklin, J. M., Rassen, J. A., Ackermann, D., Bartels, D. B., & Schneeweiss, S. (2014). Metrics for covariate balance in cohort studies of causal effects. Statistics in Medicine, 33(10), 1685–1699. doi:10.1002/sim.6058

What Works Clearinghouse. (2020). WWC Procedures Handbook (Version 4.1). Retrieved from

See Also


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

treat <- lalonde$treat
covs <- subset(lalonde, select = -c(treat, re78))
covs0 <- splitfactor(covs, drop.first = "if2")
bin.vars <- c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
              TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)
W <- WeightIt::weightit(treat ~ covs, method = "glm", 
                        estimand = "ATE")
weights <- W$weights

    m0 = col_w_mean(covs0, weights = weights, subset = treat == 0),
    sd0 = col_w_sd(covs0, weights = weights,
                   bin.vars = bin.vars, subset = treat == 0),
    m1 = col_w_mean(covs0, weights = weights, subset = treat == 1),
    sd1 = col_w_sd(covs0, weights = weights,
                   bin.vars = bin.vars, subset = treat == 1),
    smd = col_w_smd(covs0, treat = treat, weights = weights,
                    std = TRUE, bin.vars = bin.vars),
    vr = col_w_vr(covs0, treat = treat, weights = weights,
                  bin.vars = bin.vars),
    ks = col_w_ks(covs0, treat = treat, weights = weights,
                  bin.vars = bin.vars),
    row.names = colnames(covs0)
), 4)

# Compare to, treat = treat, weights = weights,
        disp = c("m", "sd"), stats = c("m", "v", "ks"),
        estimand = "ATE", method = "weighting",
        binary = "std")

Using with Clustered Data


When using with clustered data, the output will be different from the case with single-level data, and there are some options that are common across all methods. This page outlines the outputs and options in this case.

There are two main components of the output of with clustered data: the within-cluster balance summaries and the across-cluster balance summary. The within-cluster balance summaries display balance for units within each cluster separately.

The across-cluster balance summary pools information across the within-cluster balance summaries to simplify balance assessment. It provides a combination (e.g., mean or maximum) of each balance statistic for each covariate across all clusters. This allows you to see how bad the worst imbalance is and what balance looks like on average. The balance summary will not be computed if longitudinal treatments, multi-category treatments, or multiply imputed data are used.

Allowable arguments

There are four arguments for each method that can handle clustered data: cluster, which.cluster, cluster.summary, and


A vector of cluster membership. This can be factor, character, or numeric vector. This argument is required to let know that the data is clustered. If a data argument is specified, this can also be the name of a variable in data that contains cluster membership.


This is a display option that does not affect computation. If .all (the default), all clusters in cluster will be displayed. If .none, no clusters will be displayed. Otherwise, can be a vector of cluster names or numerical indices for which to display balance. Indices correspond to the alphabetical order of cluster names (or the order of cluster levels if a factor).


This is a display option that does not affect computation. If TRUE, the balance summary across clusters will be displayed. The default is TRUE, and if which.cluster is .none, it will automatically be set to TRUE.

This is a display option that does not affect computation. Can be "min", "mean", or "max" and corresponds to which function is used in the across-cluster summary to combine results across clusters. For example, if = "mean" the mean balance statistic across clusters will be displayed. The default when abs = FALSE in the call is to display all three. The default when abs = FALSE in the call is to display just the mean and max balance statistic.


The output is a object, which inherits from It has the following elements:

  • Cluster.Balance: For each cluster, a regular object containing a balance table, a sample size summary, and other balance assessment tools, depending on which options are specified.

  • Cluster.Summary: The balance summary across clusters. This will include the combination of each balance statistic for each covariate across all clusters according to the value of

  • Observations: A table of sample sizes or effective sample sizes for each cluster before and after adjustment.

As with other methods, multiple weights can be specified, and values for all weights will appear in all tables.

See Also

Using with Multiply Imputed Data


When using with multiply imputed data, the output will be different from the case with a single data set. Multiply imputed data can be used with all methods, and the mimids and wimids methods for MatchThem objects automatically incorporate multiply imputed data. This page outlines the outputs and options available with multiply imputed data.

There are two main components of the output of with multiply imputed data: the within-imputation balance summaries and the across-imputation balance summary. The within-imputation balance summaries display balance for units within each imputed data set separately. In general, this will not be very useful because interest rarely lies in the qualities of any individual imputed data set.

The across-imputation balance summary pools information across the within-imputation balance summaries to simplify balance assessment. It provides the average, smallest, and largest balance statistic for each covariate across all imputations. This allows you to see how bad the worst imbalance is and what balance looks like on average across the imputations. The summary behaves differently depending on whether abs is specified as TRUE or FALSE. When abs = TRUE, the across-imputation balance summary will display the mean absolute balance statistics and the maximum absolute balance statistics. When abs = FALSE, the across-imputation balance summary will display the minimum, mean, and maximum of the balance statistic in its original form.

Allowable arguments

There are four arguments for each method that can handle multiply imputed data: imp, which.imp, imp.summary, and


A vector of imputation membership. This can be factor, character, or numeric vector. This argument is required to let know that the data is multiply imputed unless MatchThem objects are used. If a data argument is specified, this can also be the name of a variable in data that contains imputation membership. If the data argument is a mids object, the output of a call to mice(), imp does not need to be specified and will automatically be extracted from the mids object.


This is a display option that does not affect computation. If .all, all imputations in imp will be displayed. If .none (the default), no imputations will be displayed. Otherwise, can be a vector of imputation indices for which to display balance.


This is a display option that does not affect computation. If TRUE, the balance summary across imputations will be displayed. The default is TRUE, and if which.imp is .none, it will automatically be set to TRUE.

This is a display option that does not affect computation. Can be "min", "mean", or "max" and corresponds to which function is used in the across-imputation summary to combine results across imputations. For example, if = "mean" the mean balance statistic across imputations will be displayed. The default when abs = FALSE in the call is to display all three. The default when abs = FALSE in the call is to display just the mean and max balance statistic.


The output is a object, which inherits from It has the following elements:

  • Imputation.Balance: For each imputation, a regular object containing a balance table, a sample size summary, and other balance assessment tools, depending on which options are specified.

  • Balance.Across.Imputations: The balance summary across imputations. This will include the combination of each balance statistic for each covariate across all imputations according to the value of

  • Observations: A table of sample sizes or effective sample sizes averaged across imputations before and after adjustment.

As with other methods, multiple weights can be specified, and values for all weights will appear in all tables.

See Also

Using with Longitudinal Treatments


When using [] with longitudinal treatments, the output will be different from the case with point treatments, and there are some options that are common across all `` methods for dealing with longitudinal data. This page outlines the outputs and options in this case.

There are two main components of the output of `` with longitudinal treatments: the time-point-specific balance summary and across-time-points balance summary. The time-point-specific balance summaries are standard point treatment balance summaries at each time point.

The across-time-points balance summary is, for each variable, the greatest imbalance across all time-point-specific balance summaries. If the greatest observed imbalance is tolerable, then all other imbalances for that variable will be tolerable too, so focusing on reducing the greatest imbalance is sufficient for reducing imbalance overall. The balance summary will not be computed if multi-category treatments or multiply imputed data are used.

Allowable arguments

There are two additional arguments for each method that can handle longitudinal treatments: which.time and msm.summary.


This is a display option that does not affect computation. If .all (the default), all time points will be displayed. If .none, no time points will be displayed. Otherwise, can be a vector of treatment names or indices for which to display balance.


This is a display option that does not affect computation. If TRUE, the balance summary across time points will be displayed. The default is TRUE, and if which.time is .none, it will automatically be set to TRUE.


The output is a object, which inherits from It has the following elements:

  • Time.Balance: For each time point, a regular object containing a balance table, a sample size summary, and other balance assessment tools, depending on which options are specified.

  • Balance.Across.Times: The balance summary across time points. This will include the maximum balance statistic(s) for each covariate across all time points.

  • Observations: A table of sample sizes or effective sample sizes for each time point before and after adjustment.

As with other methods, multiple weights can be specified, and values for all weights will appear in all tables.


The balance tables presented here are not the same as those recommended by Jackson (2016) and computed in his R package, confoundr, as these do not take into account treatment history. The balance statistics presented here should be used with caution and may not reflect balance in an accurate way.


Jackson, J. W. (2016). Diagnostics for Confounding of Time-varying and Other Joint Exposures: Epidemiology, 27(6), 859–869. doi:10.1097/EDE.0000000000000547

See Also

Using with Multi-Category Treatments


When using with multi-category treatments, the output will be different from the case with binary or continuous treatments, and there are some options that are common across all methods. This page outlines the outputs and options in this case.

There are two main components of the output of with multi-category treatments: the two-group treatment comparisons and the balance summary. The two-group treatment comparisons are standard binary treatment comparison either for pairs of groups (e.g., for treatments A, B, and C, "A vs. B", "A vs. C", and "B vs. C") or each group against all the groups (i.e., the entire sample).

The balance summary is, for each variable, the greatest imbalance across all two-group comparisons. So, for variable X1, if "A vs. B" had a standardized mean difference of 0.52, "A vs. C" had a standardized mean difference of .17, and "B vs. C" had a standardized mean difference of .35, the balance summary would have 0.52 for the value of the standardized mean difference for X1. The same goes for other variables and other measures of balance. If the greatest observed imbalance is tolerable, then all other imbalances for that variable will be tolerable too, so focusing on reducing the greatest imbalance is sufficient for reducing imbalance overall. (Note that when s.d.denom = "pooled", i.e., when the estimand is the ATE, the pooled standard deviation in the denominator will be the average of the standard deviations across all treatment groups, not just those used in the pairwise comparison.) The balance summary will not be computed if multiply imputed data are used.

Allowable arguments

There are four arguments for each method that can handle multi-category treatments: pairwise, focal, which.treat, and multi.summary.


Whether to compute the two-group comparisons pairwise or not. If TRUE, will compute comparisons for each pair of treatments. This can be valuable if treatments are to be compared with one another (which is often the case). If FALSE, will compute balance for each treatment group against the full unadjusted sample when focal is NULL and for each non-focal group against the focal group otherwise.


When one group is to be compared to multiple control groups in an ATT analysis, the group considered "treated" is the focal group. By specifying the name or index of the treatment condition considered focal, will only compute and display pairwise balance for treatment comparisons that include the focal group when pairwise = FALSE.


This is a display option that does not affect computation. When displaying the output, which treatments should be displayed? If a vector of length 1 is entered, all comparisons involving that treatment group will be displayed. If a vector of length 2 or more is entered, all comparisons involving treatments that both appear in the input will be displayed. For example, inputting "A" will display "A vs. B" and "A vs. C", while entering c("A", "B") will only display "A vs. B". .none indicates no treatment comparisons will be displayed, and .all indicates all treatment comparisons will be displayed. .none is the default.


If TRUE, the balance summary across all comparisons will be computed and displayed. This includes one row for each covariate with maximum balance statistic across all pairwise comparisons. Note that, if variance ratios or KS statistics are requested in addition to mean differences, the displayed values may not come from the same pairwise comparisons; that is, the greatest standardized mean difference and the greatest variance ratio may not come from the same comparison. The default is TRUE, and if which.treat is .none, it will automatically be set to TRUE.


The output is a object, which inherits from It has the following elements:

  • Pair.Balance:For each pair of treatment groups, a regular object containing a balance table, a sample size summary, and other balance assessment tools, depending on which options are specified. If pairwise is FALSE, the comparisons will be between each group and the groups combined (labeled "All") when focal is NULL and between each non-focal group and the focal group otherwise.

  • Balance.Across.Pairs: The balance summary across two-group comparisons. This will include the greatest (i.e., maximum) absolute balance statistics(s) for each covariate across all comparisons computed. Thresholds can be requested for each balance measure as with binary treatments.

  • Observations: A table of sample sizes or effective sample sizes for each treatment group before and after adjustment.

As with other methods, multiple weights can be specified, and values for all weights will appear in all tables.


In versions 4.3.1 and earlier, setting pairwise = FALSE would compare each group to the full adjusted sample. Now, each group is compared to the full unadjusted sample (unadjusted except for s.weights, if supplied).

In versions 4.3.1 and earlier, pairwise was ignored with non-NULL focal and was automatically set to FALSE. pairwise can be specified and its default is now TRUE, so balance between all treatment groups will be computed by default rather than only between each non-group and the focal group. To recover previous functionality, set pairwise = FALSE with non-NULL focal.

See Also

Using with Subclassified Data


When using with subclassified data, i.e., data split into subclasses where balance may hold, the output will be different from the standard, non-subclassified case, and there is an additional option for controlling display. This page outlines the outputs and options in this case.

There are two main components of the output of with subclassified data: the balance within subclasses and the balance summary across subclasses. The within-subclass balance displays essentially are standard balance displays for each subclass, except that only "adjusted" values are available, because the subclassification itself is the adjustment.

The balance summary is, for each variable, like a weighted average of the balance statistics across subclasses. This is computed internally by assigning each individual a weight based on their subclass and treatment group membership and then computing weighted balance statistics as usual with these weights. This summary is the same one would get if subclasses were supplied to the match.strata argument rather than to subclass. Because the means and mean differences are additive, their computed values will be weighted averages of the subclass-specific values, but for other statistics, the computed values will not be.

Allowable arguments

There are three arguments for that relate to subclasses: subclass, which.subclass, and subclass.summary.


For the data.frame and formula methods of, a vector of subclass membership or the name of the variable in data containing subclass membership. When using subclassification with a function compatible with cobalt, such as matchit() in MatchIt, this argument can be omitted because the subclasses are in the output object.


This is a display option that does not affect computation. If .all, all subclasses in subclass will be displayed. If .none (the default), no subclasses will be displayed. Otherwise, can be a vector of subclass indices for which to display balance.


This is a display option that does not affect computation. If TRUE, the balance summary across subclasses will be displayed. The default is TRUE, and if which.subclass is .none, it will automatically be set to TRUE.


The output is a object, which inherits from It has the following elements:

  • Subclass.Balance: A list of data frames containing balance information for each covariate in each subclass.

  • Balance.Across.Subclass: A data frame containing balance statistics for each covariate aggregated across subclasses and for the original sample (i.e., unadjusted). See for details on what this includes.

  • Observations: A table of sample sizes in each subclass and overall.

See Also

Options for Displaying Output


Several additional arguments can be passed to that control the display of the output; these arguments are documented here. Not all arguments are applicable to all uses of; for example, which.subclass, which controls which subclasses are displayed when subclassification is used, won't do anything when subclassification is not used. Note that when quick = TRUE is set in the call to (which is the default), setting any of these arguments to FALSE can prevent some values from being computed, which can have unintended effects.

Allowed arguments

logical; whether to display the table of balance statistics. Default is TRUE, so the balance table is displayed.


logical; whether to display only the covariates that failed to meet at least one of balance thresholds. Default is FALSE, so all covariates are displayed.


logical; whether to print statistics for the unadjusted sample as well as for the adjusted sample. Default is FALSE, so only the statistics for the adjusted sample are displayed.


character; which distribution summary statistic(s) should be reported. Allowable options include "means" and "sds". Multiple options are allowed. Abbreviations allowed.


character; which statistic(s) should be reported. See stats to see which options are available. Multiple options are allowed. Abbreviations allowed. For binary and multi-category treatments, the default is "mean.diffs" (i.e., [standardized] mean differences), and for continuous treatments, the default is "correlations" (i.e., treatment-covariate Pearson correlations).


character; the string used to separate factor variables from their levels when variable names are printed. Default is "_".


character; the string used to separate two variables involved in an interaction when variable names are printed. Default is " * ". Older versions of cobalt used "_".

logical; whether to display the function call from the original input object, if present. Default is FALSE, so the function call is not displayed.

When subclassification is used


Which subclasses (if any) should be displayed. If .all, all subclasses will be displayed. If .none (the default), no subclasses will be displayed. Otherwise, can be a vector of subclass indices for which to display balance.


logical; whether to display the balance summary across subclasses. If TRUE, the balance summary across subclasses will be displayed. The default is TRUE, and if which.subclass is .none, it will automatically be set to TRUE.

When the treatment is multi-category


For which treatments or treatment combinations balance tables should be displayed. If a vector of length 1 is entered, all comparisons involving that treatment group will be displayed. If a vector of length 2 or more is entered, all comparisons involving treatments that both appear in the input will be displayed. For example, setting which.treat = "A" will display "A vs. B" and "A vs. C", while setting which.treat = c("A", "B") will only display "A vs. B". .none indicates no treatment comparisons will be displayed, and .all indicates all treatment comparisons will be displayed. Default is .none. See


logical; whether to display the balance summary across all treatment pairs. This includes one row for each covariate with maximum balance statistic across all pairwise comparisons. Note that, if variance ratios or KS statistics are requested, the displayed values may not come from the same pairwise comparisons; that is, the greatest standardized mean difference and the greatest variance ratio may not come from the same comparison. Default is TRUE when which.treat is .none and FALSE otherwise. See

When clusters are present


For which clusters balance tables should be displayed. If .all, all clusters in cluster will be displayed. If .none, no clusters will be displayed. Otherwise, can be a vector of cluster names or numerical indices for which to display balance. Indices correspond to the alphabetical order of cluster names (or the order of cluster levels if a factor). Default is .all. See


logical; whether to display the balance summary across clusters. Default is TRUE when which.cluster is .none and FALSE otherwise (note the default for which.cluster is .all). See

Which function is used in the across-cluster summary to combine results across clusters. Can be "min", "mean", or "max". For example, if = "mean" the mean balance statistic across clusters will be displayed. The default when abs = FALSE in the call is to display all three. The default when abs = FALSE in the call is to display just the mean and max balance statistic. See

When multiple imputations are present


For which imputations balance tables should be displayed. If .all, all imputations in imp will be displayed. If .none, no imputations will be displayed. Otherwise, can be a vector of imputation indices for which to display balance. Default is .none. See


logical; whether to display the balance summary across imputations. Default is TRUE when which.imp is .none and FALSE otherwise. See

Which function is used in the across-imputation summary to combine results across imputations. Can be "min", "mean", or "max". For example, if = "mean" the mean balance statistic across imputations will be displayed. The default when abs = FALSE in the call is to display all three. The default when abs = FALSE in the call is to display just the mean and max balance statistic. See

When the treatment is longitudinal


For which time points balance tables should be displayed. If .all, all time points will be displayed. If .none, no time points will be displayed. Otherwise, can be a vector of treatment names or indices for which to display balance. Default is .none. See


logical; whether to display the balance summary across time points. Default is TRUE when which.time is .none and FALSE otherwise. See

Setting options globally

In addition to being able to be specified as arguments, if you find you frequently set a display option to something other than its default, you can set that as a global option (for the present R session) using set.cobalt.options() and retrieve it using get.cobalt.options(). Note that global options cannot be set for which.subclass, which.cluster, which.imp, which.treat, or which.time.


When calling using, if you are using .all or .none as inputs to arguments, you need to use alist() rather than list() to group the arguments. For example,, list(., which.cluster = .none)) will produce an error, but, alist(., which.cluster = .none)) should work correctly.

See Also,

Convenient Formula Generation

Description returns a formula of the form y ~ x1 + x2 + ... from a data frame input. It can be much quicker to use than to hand-write the precise formula, which may contain errors. It can be used in place of a formula in, for example, glm(), matchit(), or It provides similar functionality to reformulate().

Usage = NULL, rhs = NULL)



the quoted name of the response (left hand side) variable in the formula. Only one variable is supported. If missing, NULL, or the empty string (""), the formula will have no response variable. If rhs is not supplied, y will replace rhs and y will be set to "".


a data frame whose variable names will be the terms on the right hand side of the formula, or a character vector whose values will be the terms on the right hand side of the formula. If missing, the argument to y will replace rhs and y will be set to ""; in essence,"x") is the same as"", "x"), both producing ~ x.


a formula object.

See Also



covs <- subset(lalonde, select = -c(treat, re78))
lm("treat", covs), data = lalonde)

Extract Weights from Preprocessing Objects


Extracts weights from the outputs of preprocessing functions.


get.w(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'matchit'
get.w(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ps'
get.w(x, stop.method = NULL, estimand, s.weights = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'mnps'
get.w(x, stop.method = NULL, s.weights = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ps.cont'
get.w(x, s.weights = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'iptw'
get.w(x, stop.method = NULL, s.weights = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'Match'
get.w(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'CBPS'
get.w(x, estimand, ...)

## S3 method for class 'CBMSM'
get.w(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ebalance'
get.w(x, treat, ...)

## S3 method for class 'optmatch'
get.w(x, estimand, ...)

## S3 method for class 'cem.match'
get.w(x, estimand, ...)

## S3 method for class 'weightit'
get.w(x, s.weights = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'designmatch'
get.w(x, treat, estimand, ...)

## S3 method for class 'mimids'
get.w(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'wimids'
get.w(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'sbwcau'
get.w(x, ...)



output from the corresponding preprocessing packages.


arguments passed to other methods.


the name of the stop method used in the original call to ps() or mnps() in twang, e.g., "es.mean". If empty, will return weights from all stop method available into a data.frame. Abbreviations allowed.


if weights are computed using the propensity score (i.e., for the ps and CBPS methods), which estimand to use to compute the weights. If "ATE", weights will be computed as 1/ps for the treated group and 1/(1-ps) for the control group. If "ATT", weights will be computed as 1 for the treated group and ps/(1-ps) for the control group. If not specified, get.w() will try to figure out which estimand is desired based on the object.

If weights are computed using subclasses/matching strata (i.e., for the cem and designmatch methods), which estimand to use to compute the weights. First, a subclass propensity score is computed as the proportion of treated units in each subclass, and the one of the formulas above will be used based on the estimand requested. If not specified, "ATT" is assumed.


whether the sampling weights included in the original call to the fitting function should be included in the weights. If TRUE, the returned weights will be the product of the balancing weights estimated by the fitting function and the sampling weights. If FALSE, only the balancing weights will be returned.


a vector of treatment status for each unit. This is required for methods that include treat as an argument. The treatment variable that was used in the original preprocessing function call should be used.


The output of get.w() can be used in calls to the formula and data frame methods of (see example below). In this way, the output of multiple preprocessing packages can be viewed simultaneously and compared. The weights can also be used in weights statements in regression methods to compute weighted effects.

twang has a function called get.weights() that performs the same function on ps objects but offers slightly finer control. Note that the weights generated by get.w() for ps objects do not include sampling weights by default.

When sampling weights are used with CBPS() in CBPS, the returned weights will already have the sampling weights incorporated. To retrieve the balancing weights on their own, divide the returned weights by the original sampling weights. For other packages, the balancing weights are returned separately unless s.weights = TRUE, which means they must be multiplied by the sampling weights for effect estimation.

When Match() in Matching is used with CommonSupport = TRUE, the returned weights will be incorrect. This option is not recommended by the package authors.


A vector or data frame of weights for each unit. These may be matching weights or balancing weights.


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

m.out <- MatchIt::matchit(treat ~ age + educ + race,
                          data = lalonde,
                          estimand = "ATT") 

w.out <- WeightIt::weightit(treat ~ age + educ + race,
                            data = lalonde,
                            estimand = "ATT") ~ age + educ + race, data = lalonde,
        weights = data.frame(matched = get.w(m.out),
                             weighted = get.w(w.out)),
        method = c("matching", "weighting"), 
        estimand = "ATT")

Data from National Supported Work Demonstration and PSID, as analyzed by Dehejia and Wahba (1999).


This is a subsample of the data from the treated group in the National Supported Work Demonstration (NSW) and the comparison sample from the Population Survey of Income Dynamics (PSID). This data was previously analyzed extensively by Lalonde (1986) and Dehejia and Wahba (1999).





A data frame with 614 observations (185 treated, 429 control). There are 9 variables measured for each individual.

  • "treat" is the treatment assignment (1=treated, 0=control).

  • "age" is age in years.

  • "educ" is education in number of years of schooling.

  • "race" is the individual's race/ethnicity, (Black, Hispanic, or White). Note some other versions of this dataset use indicator variables black and hispan instead of a single race variable.

  • "married" is an indicator for married (1=married, 0=not married).

  • "nodegree" is an indicator for whether the individual has a high school degree (1=no degree, 0=degree).

  • "re74" is income in 1974, in U.S. dollars.

  • "re75" is income in 1975, in U.S. dollars.

  • "re78" is income in 1978, in U.S. dollars.

"treat" is the treatment variable, "re78" is the outcome, and the others are pre-treatment covariates.

An object of class data.frame with 614 rows and 9 columns.


lalonds_mis is the same dataset with missing values in three of the covariates.


Lalonde, R. (1986). Evaluating the econometric evaluations of training programs with experimental data. American Economic Review 76: 604-620.

Dehejia, R.H. and Wahba, S. (1999). Causal Effects in Nonexperimental Studies: Re-Evaluating the Evaluation of Training Programs. Journal of the American Statistical Association 94: 1053-1062.

Display Balance Statistics in a Love Plot


Generates a "Love" plot graphically displaying covariate balance before and after adjusting. Options are available for producing publication-ready plots. Detailed examples are available in vignette("love.plot").


  abs, = NULL,
  var.order = NULL,
  drop.missing = TRUE,
  drop.distance = FALSE,
  thresholds = NULL,
  line = FALSE,
  stars = "none",
  grid = FALSE,
  limits = NULL,
  colors = NULL,
  shapes = NULL,
  alpha = 1,
  size = 3,
  wrap = 30,
  var.names = NULL,
  labels = FALSE,
  position = "right",
  themes = NULL,



the valid input to a call to (e.g., the output of a preprocessing function). Other arguments that would be supplied to can be entered with .... Can also be a object, i.e., the output of a call to See Examples. If x is not a object, love.plot() calls with the arguments supplied.


character; which statistic(s) should be reported. See stats for allowable options. For binary and multi-category treatments, "mean.diffs" (i.e., mean differences) is the default. For continuous treatments, "correlations" (i.e., treatment-covariate Pearson correlations) is the default. Multiple options are allowed.


logical; whether to present the statistic in absolute value or not. For variance ratios, this will force all ratios to be greater than or equal to 1. If x is a object, love.plot() might ignore abs depending on the original call. If unspecified, uses whatever was used in the call to

if balance is to be displayed across clusters or imputations rather than within a single cluster or imputation, which summarizing function ("mean", "max", or "range") of the balance statistics should be used. If "range" is entered, love.plot() will display a line from the min to the max with a point at the mean for each covariate. Abbreviations allowed; "range" is default. Remember to set ⁠which.<ARG> = .none⁠ (where ⁠<ARG>⁠ is the grouping argument, such as cluster or imp) to use See Details.


a character or love.plot object; how to order the variables in the plot. See Details.


logical; whether to drop rows for variables for which the statistic has a value of NA, for example, variance ratios for binary variables. If FALSE, there will be rows for these variables but no points representing their value. Default is TRUE, so that variables with missing balance statistics are absent. When multiple stats are requested, only variables with NAs for all stats will be dropped if drop.missing = TRUE. This argument used to be called no.missing, and that name still works (but has been deprecated).


logical; whether to ignore the distance measure (if there are any) in plotting.


numeric; an optional value to be used as a threshold marker in the plot. Should be a named vector where each name corresponds to the statistic for which the threshold is to be applied. See example at stats. If x is a object and a threshold was set in it (e.g., with thresholds), its threshold will be used unless overridden using the threshold argument in love.plot().


logical; whether to display a line connecting the points for each sample.


when mean differences are to be displayed, which variable names should have a star (i.e., an asterisk) next to them. Allowable values are "none", "std" (for variables with mean differences that have been standardized), or "raw" (for variables with mean differences that have not been standardized). If "raw", the x-axis title will be "Standardized Mean Differences". Otherwise, it will be "Mean Differences". Ignored when mean difference are not displayed. See Details for an explanation of the purpose of this option.


logical; whether gridlines should be shown on the plot. Default is FALSE.


numeric; the bounds for the x-axis of the plot. Must a (named) list of vectors of length 2 in ascending order, one for each value of stats that is to have limits; e.g., list(m = c(-.2, .2)). If values exceed the limits, they will be plotted at the edge.


the colors of the points on the plot. See 'Color Specification' at graphics::par() or the ggplot2 aesthetic specifications page. The first value corresponds to the color for the unadjusted sample, and the second color to the adjusted sample. If only one is specified, it will apply to both. Defaults to the default ggplot2 colors.


the shapes of the points on the plot. Must be one or two numbers between 1 and 25 or the name of a valid shape. See the ggplot2 aesthetic specifications page for valid options. Values 15 to 25 are recommended. The first value corresponds to the shape for the unadjusted sample, and the second color to the adjusted sample. If only one is specified, it will apply to both. Defaults to 19 ("circle filled").


numeric; the transparency of the points. See ggplot2::scale_alpha().


numeric; the size of the points on the plot. Defaults to 3. In previous versions, the size was scaled by a factor of 3. Now size corresponds directly to the size aesthetic in ggplot2::geom_point().


numeric; the number of characters at which to wrap axis labels to the next line. Defaults to 30. Decrease this if the axis labels are excessively long.


an optional object providing alternate names for the variables in the plot, which will otherwise be the variable names as they are stored. This may be useful when variables have ugly names. See Details on how to specify var.names. var.names() can be a useful tool for extracting and editing the names from the object.


character; the title of the plot.


character; new names to be given to the samples (i.e., in place of "Unadjusted" and "Adjusted"). For example, when matching it used, it may be useful to enter c("Unmatched", "Matched").


logical or character; labels to give the plots when multiple stats are requested. If TRUE, the labels will be capital letters. Otherwise, must be a string with the same length as stats. This can be useful when the plots are to be used in an article.


the position of the legend. When stats has length 1, this can be any value that would be appropriate as an argument to legend.position in ggplot2::theme(). When stat has length greater than 1, can be one of "none", "left", "right", "bottom", or "top".


an optional list of theme objects to append to each individual plot. Each entry should be the output of a call to ggplot2::theme() in ggplot2. This is a way to customize the individual plots when multiple stats are requested since the final output is not a manipulable ggplot object. It can be used with length-1 stats, but it probably makes more sense to just add the theme() call after love.plot().


additional arguments passed to or options for display of the plot. The following related arguments are currently accepted:


whether to use gridExtra::arrangeGrob() in gridExtra to make the plot when stats has length 1. See section Value.


whether to display individual subclasses if subclassification is used. Overrides the disp.subclass option in the original call if x is a object.


character; when stars are used, the character that should be the "star" next to the starred variables. The default is "*". "†" or "\u2020" (i.e., dagger) might be appealing as well.

Additionally, any of the which. arguments used with clustered or multiply imputed data or longitudinal or multi-category treatments can be specified to display balance on selected groupings. Set to .none to aggregate across groups (in which comes into effect) and set to .all to view all groups. See display-options for options, and see vignette("segmented-data") for details and examples.


love.plot can be used with clusters, imputations, and multi-category and longitudinal treatments in addition to the standard case. Setting the corresponding which. argument to .none will aggregate across that dimension. When aggregating, an argument should be specified to referring to whether the mean, minimum ("min"), or maximum ("max") balance statistic or range ("range", the default) of balance statistics for each covariate should be presented in the plot. See vignette("segmented-data") for examples.

With subclasses, balance will be displayed for the unadjusted sample and the aggregated subclassified sample. If disp.subclass is TRUE, each subclass will be displayed additionally as a number on the plot.

Variable order using var.order

The order that the variables are presented in depends on the argument to var.order. If NULL, the default, they will be displayed in the same order as in the call to, which is the order of the underlying data set. If "alphabetical", they will be displayed in alphabetical order. If "unadjusted", they will be ordered by the balance statistic of the unadjusted sample. To order by the values of the adjusted sample, "adjusted" can be supplied if only one set of weights (or subclasses) are specified; otherwise, the name of the set of weights should be specified.

If multiple stats are requested, the order will be determined by the first entry to stats (e.g., if both "mean.diffs" and "ks.statistics" are requested, and var.order = "unadjusted", the variables will be displayed in order of the unadjusted mean differences for both plots). If multiple plots are produced simultaneously (i.e., for individual clusters or imputations), var.order can only be NULL or "alphabetical".

If a love.plot object is supplied, the plot being drawn will use the variable order in the supplied love.plot object. This can be useful when making more than one plot and the variable order should be the same across plots.

Variable names using var.names

The default in love.plot() is to present variables as they are named in the output of the call to, so it is important to know this output before specifying alternate variable names when using var.names, as the displayed variable names may differ from those in the original data.

There are several ways to specify alternate names for presentation in the displayed plot using the var.names argument by specifying a list of old and new variable names, pairing the old name with the new name. You can do this in three ways: 1) use a vector or list of new variable names, with the names of the values the old variable names; 2) use a data frame with exactly one column containing the new variable names and the row names containing the old variable names; or 3) use a data frame with two columns, the first (or the one named "old") containing the old variable names and the second (or the one named "new") containing the new variable names. If a variable in the output from is not provided in the list of old variable names, love.plot() will use the original old variable name.

love.plot() can replace old variables names with new ones based on exact matching for the name strings or matching using the variable name components. For example, if a factor variable "X" with levels "a", "b", and "c" is displayed with love.plot(), the variables "X_a", "X_b", and "X_c" will be displayed. You can enter replacement names for all three variables individually with var.names, or you can simply specify a replacement name for "X", and "X" will be replaced by the given name in all instances it appears, including not just factor expansions, but also polynomials and interactions in int = TRUE in the original call. In an interaction with another variable, say "Y", there are several ways to replace the name of the interaction term "X_a * Y". If the entire string ("X_a * Y") is included in var.names, the entire string will be replaced. If "X_a" is included in var.names, only it will be replaced (and it will be replaced everywhere else it appears). If "X" is included in var.names, only it will be replaced (and it will be replaced everywhere else it appears). See example at var.names().

Stars and the x-axis label with mean differences

When mean differences are to be displayed, love.plot() attempts to figure out the appropriate label for the x-axis. If all mean differences are standardized, the x-axis label will be "Standardized Mean Differences". If all mean differences are raw (i.e., unstandardized), the x-axis label will be "Mean Differences". Otherwise, love.plot() turns to the stars argument. If "raw", the x-axis label will be "Standardized Mean Differences" (i.e., because un-starred variables have standardized mean differences displayed). If "std", the x-axis label will be "Mean Differences" (i.e., because un-starred variables have raw mean differences displayed). If "none", the x-axis label will be "Mean Differences" and a warning will be issued recommending the use of stars.

The default is to display standardized mean differences for continuous variables, raw mean differences for binary variables, and no stars, so this warning will be issued in most default uses of love.plot(). The purpose of this is to correct behavior of previous versions of cobalt in which the default x-axis label was "Mean Differences", even when standardized mean differences were displayed, yielding a potentially misleading plot. This warning requires the user to think about what values are being displayed. The idea of using stars is that the user can, in a caption for the plot, explain that variables with an asterisk have standardized (or raw) mean differences display, in contrast to un-starred variables.


When only one type of balance statistic is requested, the returned object is a standard ggplot object that can be manipulated using ggplot2 syntax. This facilitates changing fonts, background colors, and features of the legend outside of what love.plot() provides automatically.

When more than one type of balance statistic is requested, the plot is constructed using gridExtra::arrangeGrob() in gridExtra, which arranges multiple plots and their shared legend into one plot. Because the output of arrangeGrob is a gtable object, its features cannot be manipulated in the standard way. Use the themes argument to change theme elements of the component plots. The original plots are stored in the "plots" attribute of the output object.


love.plot can also be called by using plot() or autoplot() on a object. If used in this way, some messages may appear twice. It is recommended that you just use love.plot() instead.

See Also, vignette("love.plot")


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

## Propensity score weighting
w.out1 <- WeightIt::weightit(treat ~ age + educ + race + married +
                                 nodegree + re74 + re75, 
                             data = lalonde)

love.plot(w.out1, thresholds = c(m = .1), var.order = "unadjusted")

## Using alternate variable names
v <- data.frame(old = c("age", "educ", "race_black", "race_hispan", 
                        "race_white", "married", "nodegree", "re74", 
                        "re75", "distance"),
                new = c("Age", "Years of Education", "Black", 
                        "Hispanic", "White", "Married", "No Degree", 
                        "Earnings 1974", "Earnings 1975", 
                        "Propensity Score"))

love.plot(w.out1, stats = "m", threshold = .1, 
          var.order = "unadjusted", var.names = v)

#Using multiple stats
love.plot(w.out1, stats = c("m", "ks"), 
          thresholds = c(m = .1, ks = .05), 
          var.order = "unadjusted", var.names = v, stars = "raw",
          position = "bottom", wrap = 20)

#Changing visual elements
love.plot(w.out1, thresholds = c(m = .1), 
          var.order = "unadjusted", var.names = v, abs = TRUE,
          shapes = c("triangle filled", "circle"), 
          colors = c("red", "blue"), line = TRUE,
          grid = FALSE, sample.names = c("Original", "Weighted"),
          stars = "raw", position = "top")

Print Results of a Call to


Prints output in a clean way. Provides options for printing.


## S3 method for class ''
  digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),



a object; the output of a call to


logical; whether to display only the covariates that failed to meet at least one of balance thresholds. Depends only on whether threshold were initial set in the call to and not on any arguments to print() (except


logical; whether to display balance values for the unadjusted sample. Ignored (and set to TRUE) if no conditioning was performed.

logical; whether to display the table of balance statistics. If FALSE, only other values (e.g., the call, sample sizes, balance tallies, and maximum imbalances) will be presented.

logical; whether to display the function call for the input object, if any.


character; which statistic(s) should be reported. For binary or multi-category treatments, the options are "mean.diffs" for mean differences (standardized or not according the selected options), "variance.ratios" for variance ratios, and "ks.statistics" for Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics. "mean.diffs" is the default. For continuous treatments, the only option is "correlations" for treatment-covariate correlations. Multiple options are allowed. Abbreviations allowed. Statistics that weren't requested in the original call to cannot be requested with print() unless quick = FALSE in the original call.


logical; whether to display thresholds for each statistic for which thresholds were originally requested in the call to Should be a named logical vector with names corresponding to the thresholds. For example, if thresholds for mean differences were requested in, set disp.thresholds = c(m = FALSE) to prevent them from being printed. If a statistic was prevented from being displayed by another argument to print(), the thresholds will not be displayed.


character; which distribution summary statistics to display. Allowable options include "means" and "sds". Statistics that weren't requested in the original call to cannot be requested with print() unless quick = FALSE in the original call.


when used with subclassification, which subclass(es) to display. If NULL, all subclasses will be displayed. If NA, no subclasses will be displayed. Otherwise, can be a vector of subclass indices for which to display balance. To display the subclasses requested in the original call to, omit this argument. See for details.


logical; when used with subclassification, whether to display the subclass balance summary table. If which.subclass is NA, subclass.summary will be set to TRUE. See for details.


when used with multiply imputed data, which imputation(s) to display. If NULL, all imputations will be displayed. If NA, no imputations will be displayed. Otherwise, can be a vector of imputations numbers for which to display balance. To display the imputations requested in the original call to, omit this argument. See for details.


logical; when used with multiply imputed data, whether to display the imputation summary table. If which.imp is NA, imp.summary will be set to TRUE. See for details.

character; when used with multiply imputed data, a character vector of functions of balance statistics to display when displaying balance across imputations. Can be "mean", "min", or "max". More than one are allowed. See for details.


when used with multi-category treatments, which treatments to display. See for details.


logical; when used with multi-category treatments, whether to display the balance summary table across pairwise comparisons. See for details.


when used with longitudinal treatments, which time periods to display if longitudinal treatments are used. See for details.


logical; when used with longitudinal treatments, whether to display the balance summary table across time periods. See for details.


when used with clustered data, which cluster(s) to display. If NULL, all clusters will be displayed. If NA, no clusters will be displayed. Otherwise, can be a vector of cluster names or numerical indices for which to display balance. Indices correspond to the alphabetical order of cluster names. To display the clusters requested in the original call to, omit this argument. See for details.


logical; when used with clustered data, whether to display the cluster summary table. If which.cluster is NA, cluster.summary will be set to TRUE. See for details.

character; when used with clustered data, a character vector of functions of balance statistics to display when displaying balance across clusters. Can be "mean", "min", or "max". More than one are allowed. See for details.


the number of digits to display.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


Simply calling will print its results, but it can be useful to store the results into an object and print them again later, possibly with different print options specified. The print() function automatically dispatches the correct method for the object given.

Any parameter used in for calculations, such as int, addl, or distance, cannot be used with print(); only those parameters listed above, those that solely determine printing options, can be used. To change computation options, a new call to must be performed.

Prior versions of print() had separate methods for each class. Now they are dispatched internally.


Unless quick = FALSE in the original call to (which is not the default), some values may not be calculated, in which case using print() will not display these values even when requested. For example, if stats = "m" and quick = TRUE in the original call to (the default for both), setting stats = "ks" in print() will not print the KS statistics because they were not calculated.

See Also


display-options for further information on some of these options.


data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

w.out <- WeightIt::weightit(treat ~ age + educ + married +
                                race + re74 + re75, 
                            data = lalonde)

b <-, stats = c("m", "v", "ks"), 
             un = TRUE, v.threshold = 2)

print(b, un = FALSE, stats = c("m", "v"),
      disp.thresholds = c(v = FALSE))

Set and Get Options in cobalt


Makes it easier to set cobalt options. set.cobalt.options() is essentially a wrapper for options() but performs several checks, and get.cobalt.options() is essentially a wrapper for getOption().


set.cobalt.options(..., default = FALSE)




For set.cobalt.options(), parameters and the values they should take. These should be the name of the parameter in without "cobalt_" preceding them. See examples. If any values are NULL, the corresponding options will be set back to their defaults.

For get.cobalt.options(), one or more strings containing the name of a parameter option to be retrieved. See examples. If empty, all available options and their values will be returned.


if TRUE, sets all cobalt options not named in ... to their default values.


When an option is set to NULL, it is set to its default value. The defaults are not displayed but are listed on the help pages where they appear. Most options correspond to display options, which can be accessed here. Some others (e.g., continuous and binary) are described on the help page.

See Also


# Set un to be TRUE to always display unadjusted 
# balance measures and set binary to "std" to 
# produce standardized mean differences for 
# binary variables.

set.cobalt.options(un = TRUE, binary = "std")

# Note: the above is equivalent to:
# options(cobalt_un = TRUE, cobalt_binary = "std")
# but performs some additional checks

get.cobalt.options("un", "binary")

# Note: the above is equivalent to:
# getOption("cobalt_un")
# getOption("cobalt_binary")

# Return all cobalt options to their defaults

set.cobalt.options(default = TRUE)

# View all available options

Split and Unsplit Factors into Dummy Variables


splitfactor() splits factor variables into dummy (0/1) variables. This can be useful when functions do not process factor variables well or require numeric matrices to operate. unsplitfactor() combines dummy variables into factor variables, undoing the operation of splitfactor().


  drop.level = NULL,
  drop.first = TRUE,
  drop.singleton = FALSE, = TRUE,
  sep = "_",
  replace = TRUE,
  split.with = NULL,
  check = TRUE

  dropped.level = NULL, = TRUE,
  sep = "_",
  replace = TRUE



A data.frame containing the variables to be split or unsplit. In splitfactor(), can be a factor variable to be split.

For splitfactor(), the names of the factor variables to split. If not specified, will split all factor variables in data. If data is a factor, the stem for each of the new variables to be created. For unsplitfactor(), the name of the previously split factor. If not specified and data is the output of a call to splitfactor(), all previously split variables will be unsplit.


The name of a level of for which to drop the dummy variable. Only works if there is only one variable to be split.


Whether to drop the first dummy created for each factor. If "if2", will only drop the first category if the factor has exactly two levels. The default is to always drop the first dummy (TRUE).


Whether to drop a factor variable if it only has one level.

If NAs are present in the variable, how to handle them. If TRUE, no new dummy will be created for NA values, but all created dummies will have NA where the original variable was NA. If FALSE, NA will be treated like any other factor level, given its own column, and the other dummies will have a value of 0 where the original variable is NA.


A character separating the the stem from the value of the variable for each dummy. For example, for "race_black", sep = "_".


Whether to replace the original variable(s) with the new variable(s) (TRUE) or the append the newly created variable(s) to the end of the data set (FALSE).


A list of vectors or factors with lengths equal to the number of columns of data that are to be split in the same way data is. See Details.


Whether to make sure the variables specified in are actually factor (or character) variables. If splitting non-factor (or non-character) variables into dummies, set check = FALSE. If check = FALSE and data is a data.frame, an argument to must be specified.


The value of each original factor variable whose dummy was dropped when the variable was split. If left empty and a dummy was dropped, the resulting factor will have the value NA instead of the dropped value. There should be one entry per variable to unsplit. If no dummy was dropped for a variable, an entry is still required, but it will be ignored.

If TRUE, will assume that NAs in the variables to be unsplit correspond to NA in the unsplit factor (i.e., that = TRUE was specified in split.factor()). If FALSE, will assume there is a dummy called "var.name_stem_NA" (e.g., "x_NA") that contains 1s where the unsplit factor should be NA (i.e., that = FALSE was specified in split.factor(). If NAs are stored in a different column with the same stem, e.g., "x_miss", that name (e.g., "miss") can be entered instead.


If there are NAs in the variable to be split, the new variables created by splitfactor() will have NA where the original variable is NA.

When using unsplitfactor() on a data.frame that was generated with splitfactor(), the arguments, and sep are unnecessary.

If split.with is supplied, the elements will be split in the same way data is. For example, if data contained a 4-level factor that was to be split, the entries of split.with at the same index as the factor and would be duplicated so that resulting entries will have the same length as the number of columns of data after being split. The resulting values are stored in the "split.with" attribute of the output object. See Examples.


For splitfactor(), a data.frame containing the original data set with the newly created dummies. For unsplitfactor(). a data.frame containing the original data set with the newly created factor variables.

See Also



data("lalonde", package = "cobalt")

lalonde.split <- splitfactor(lalonde, "race", 
                             replace = TRUE, 
                             drop.first = TRUE)
# A data set with "race_hispan" and "race_white" instead
# of "race".

lalonde.unsplit <- unsplitfactor(lalonde.split, "race", 
                                 replace = TRUE,
                                 dropped.level = "black")

all.equal(lalonde, lalonde.unsplit) #TRUE

# Demonstrating the use of split.with:
to.split <- list(letters[1:ncol(lalonde)],

lalonde.split <- splitfactor(lalonde, split.with = to.split,
                             drop.first = FALSE)
attr(lalonde.split, "split.with")

Extract Variable Names from Objects


This function extracts variable names from a object for use in specifying alternate variable names in love.plot(). Optionally, a file can be written for easy editing of names.


var.names(b, type, file = NULL, minimal = FALSE)



a object; the output of a call to


the type of output desired. Can either be "df" for a data.frame or "vec" for a named vector. See "Value". The default is "vec" unless file is not NULL.


optional; a file name to save the output if type = "df". See utils::write.csv(), which calls. Must end in .csv.


whether the output should contain all variable names (i.e., all rows that appear the output of or just the unique base variables. See "Details".


The goal of the function is to make supplying new variable names to the var.names argument in love.plot() easier. Rather than manually creating a vector or data.frame with all the variable names that one desires to change, one can use var.names() to extract variable names from a object and edit the output. Importantly, the output can be saved to a CSV file, which can be easily edited and read back into R for use in love.plot(), as demonstrated in the Example.

When minimal = TRUE, only a minimal set of variables will be output. For example, if the variables analyzed in are age, race, and married, and int = TRUE in, many variables will appear in the output, including expansions of the factor variables, the polynomial terms, and the interactions. Rather than renaming all of these variables individually, one can rename just the three base variables, and all variables that arise from them will be accordingly renamed. Setting minimal = TRUE requests only these base variables.


If type = "vec", a character vector the the variable names both as the names and the entries.

If type = "df", a data.frame with two columns called "old" and "new", each with the variables as the entries.

If file is not NULL, the output will be returned invisibly.


Not all programs can properly read the Unicode characters for the polynomial terms when requested. These may appear strange in, e.g., Excel, but R will process the characters correctly.


data(lalonde, package = "cobalt")

b1 <- ~ age + race + married, data = lalonde,
              int = TRUE)
v1 <- var.names(b1, type = "vec", minimal = TRUE)
v1["age"] <- "Age (Years)"
v1["race"] <- "Race/Eth"
v1["married"] <- "Married"
love.plot(b1, var.names = v1)
## Not run: 
b2 <- ~ age + race + married + educ + nodegree +
                  re74 + re75 + I(re74==0) + I(re75==0), 
              data = lalonde)
var.names(b2, file = "varnames.csv")

##Manually edit the CSV (e.g., in Excel), then save it.
v2 <- read.csv("varnames.csv")
love.plot(b2, var.names = v2)

## End(Not run)